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Everything posted by ndv

  1. ndv


    Slim all day long, skinny is the same issue with me. The only skinny I think I can manage are the moto jeans.
  2. Out all the hodge-podge list of products you sell, eyeglass cleaning wipes are not one? Walgreens.
  3. ^^ 😅 Oh I am prepared. Problem is business I don't think is prepared.
  4. This is true. Props on the reply.
  5. Interesting. I think I need purchase a pair to see what it is all about.
  6. Are these just glorified earplugs? Not understanding the high fidelity part.
  7. I am gonna tell my kids this is Dimebag Darrell
  8. You have no idea what ai can do!
  9. What in the Moogle are you talking about?
  10. I was kinda thinking about it earlier. Wonder of someone compared all the tools to tools to brands. Who has the best drill, who has the best skilsaw and so forth. Tool drip may look like they are all over the place but in fact they discovered the best of the best. Diversified their portfolio. I think this would be the guy who would be well put together all around according to Mr.Yuck's analogy for women looking for the right mate.
  11. Infact there is, but I am not understanding the correlation.
  12. Definitely this. If he has tools, chances are he doesn't do drugs. Or if he doesn't have tools he may not have the credentials to survive under extreme circumstances. No tools, no dice!
  13. As soon as I can find something to storm on a false pretext.
  14. ndv


    It's been a thing for a while now. Pay to play, and many people do. The gaming industry makes more money off of subscriptions and selling things in the game. NFTs is where its at these days. You can make some really good money off of NFTs
  15. That makes sense and confirms my thoughts in relation to value how I look at these cryptos. Monero is a great buy, I was explaining monero to someone as an example of invesent. My personal thoughts on Monero as an investment is simply this, as what I explained dyo the guy. Monero is a crypto that in completely non traceable so its the go to coin used for criminal activity and clandestine activities to pay for any goods and services in the deep/dark web. So basically picture this, there is always going to be people committing crimes, becore crypto if you wanted to invest and make money off of stupidity then you would go to school and get s law degree, and can further invest and become a judge, own practice or promotion. Other than buying/selling class action law suits to firms. Monero allows you to invest but no longer need a law degree. The other value in monero, is since it's untraceable, governments can use this crypto when needing to fund clandestine operations or any entity needing to operate in silence. With those two strong needs for monero, monero is up there with btc eth which makes this crypto a gold standard. The 3 Kings. Thank you for taking the time and explaining it to me once more. You have a strong portfolio. Maybe I should mimic you. What are you thoughts on staking? I believe I touch lightly on the subject or mentioned it a couple pages ago with @KILZ FILLZ . @Mercer
  16. On another note, I finally swapped some XRP for HBAR and have my brave browser earning my BAT with an auto deposit to my Uphold every month.
  17. Honestly, I've given it some though off and on about buying 100mil or more of Shiba Inu coins and just diamond hands that for years to come just to see if anything happens. Unfortunately for these meme coins, the abundance of quantity it doesn't make any sense other than the individuals who created it are the real and only winners to these meme coins. Although, it would be nice to wake up one day and have a few hundred million dollars worth of coins I never did anything for but spend a few thousands dollars on.
  18. ndv


    Pretty much. The jeans are technically skinny at the ends which leaves flexibility which was one of the reasons I purchased them. Kinda surprised it didn't take off.
  19. I see what you're saying. So with that being said, crypto prices rise and fall to what catalysts? Like how does one crypto work another if both cryptos come from the same block chain network? Like I mean I get the scenario of 2 kids come from the same parents, 1 is more financially successful than the other because of choices made perhaps. But how does crypto compare to the anology I just used. Is it just because one coin/token is chosen of the other just because, or do some coins/tokens have actual value than another? Kinda like cause and effect, or for every action there's a reaction. For one good there's a bad. Like the balance of nature. Or is it just purely human choice? If so, then would outside influences like chosen use, politics, industrial tool sets, actual purposes from real world to meta verse. I guess what I am trying to ask is, I a. Trying to find that crypto trend like the stock market trend. Or perhaps, maybe what I am trying to ask is a little ahead of it's time considering we are still in the wild wild west of Crypto stage we are all trying to figure out the winners and loser in the coins/tokens. @Mercer
  20. ndv


    Nah, the zippers somewhere around above the ankle. There're kinda cool to have. Makes it easier to get the socks on if I forget socks before pants.
  21. I am researching this very something. Having issues with a laser marking compound that is the best on the market as well as the first product developed. My practices are the same as the first time I discovered how to lase the stuff with pinnacle results. Past couple jobs with are very recent I have noticed the end results are not fusing to the material. As if I completely do not know what I am doing anymore, or the marking compound formula has changed. But I have never changed anything, laser was sent out last November to be recharged as I thought it was about that time, but the service company told me I am firing at 55watts on a 60 watt rating which isn't bad and sounds about right. So right now, they only thing I can thing of, is perhaps it's the formula. The marking compound company was bought out by another company near the of 2022, started noticing the issues in 2023.
  22. Here's my set up.
  23. Show proof of thread or it didn't happen
  24. Did you let them know? @DETO Let know in a review with pic.
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