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Everything posted by CLICKCLACKONER

  1. Was he that bad? He had an embarressing case of yellow fever though. I remember his tags he posted in paperchase. El horible.
  2. No particular order: Mero Dee38 Devilush El Mammero Those hawaiian niggas Popgunwar Rumpuncher
  3. Btw, skateboarders should always dress baggy. The fashion back then was soooo dope. All this super tight shit gotta end. AA should be all burned down. Eh what do I know. I'm just a grumpy old dude.
  4. Stupid fact: the house party/ rape scene was filmed in my sister's old apt. building. "i have no legs!"
  5. get rid of the crooks, buy more supreme. is that a bape yankee cap?
  6. 2 things: 1. Dope wet paint/ t-pain sign. 2. Do you organize other peoples shit for $?
  7. all of them are garbage. worst logo ever! 100's sucks cock.
  8. Is kid cudi any good? I think that day n nite song is kinda weak.
  9. I'll proxy all the alife u need. Pm me.


    We need cracksmoka back in here.
  11. Prodigy's blog was mildly amusing. It seems like he got bored of rapping. The way he puts together words now is sooo lazy.


    fuck a air yeezy!
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