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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. That green is like edible, love it. Hate sketching with old white board markers though. Love last working week of the year but.
  2. April is all "well, I need to get paid but not bad enough to put my face to this shit".
  3. Please post in the toy thread instead. You are not really up to the level of posting here.
  4. Does not represent me. I understand that it’s not a simple matter but this is a brutality that degrades us all. I’d happily swap many of them for some white (and other) aussies that I know.
  5. Red hot pokers in the the front yard. They’ve doubled in size and quantity since I took that pic.
  6. December, it's like a month of Fridays.
  7. as deadly as it gets: Mother's picture of 2-year-old daughter photobombed by massive brown snake Updated 31 Mar 2017, 6:45am Photo: Molly, 2, waiting for her siblings to be dropped off by the school bus. (Supplied: Bianca Dickinson) Related Story: 'A tail popped out of the mouth': Farmer pulls one snake out of another Map: Kaniva 3419 A mother was taking a photo of her two-year-old daughter when a massive brown snake photobombed the happy snap. Bianca Dickinson and two of her children had been waiting at the bottom of the family's one-kilometre long driveway, in Kaniva near the Wimmera region in western Victoria, for her eldest children to arrive on the school bus. They were there for 15 minutes, playing and taking photos. "I was looking through my camera lens and was looking at my daughter. I saw something move in the corner of my eye and actually thought it was bark coming off the tree — yesterday in Victoria it was quite windy — I then looked up to see where the bark had gone," Ms Dickinson told ABC. She realised the "bark" was in fact a snake, and when she looked again the snake had moved past her daughter, but was still close by, close enough to put her toddler in danger. Molly was completely unaware and just excited to see her older siblings get off the school bus, hence the big smile. "All my instincts wanted to run and pick her up and scream and run away," Ms Dickinson said. "I stayed still and luckily so did she and it just slithered off." It was not until Ms Dickinson and her children got into the car that her 13-year-old daughter Imogen asked her: "What happened? Did you see a snake mum?" That was when Ms Dickinson checked her phone and realised she had unwittingly captured a photo of her daughter standing dangerously close to a brown snake. The mother said she had checked the spot, which they regularly waited at, for hazards and also assumed it was too cold for snakes to be around. Ms Dickinson said the experience had frightened her and her children, who did not "want to go outside at the moment". "I couldn't believe it, I can't even look at it to be honest, it's still terrifying," she said. Mr Dickinson said she was not sure if the photobomber was an eastern brown or king brown snake. Molly, the toddler, is still blissfully unaware of her close call with a venomous snake. "She didn't realise the snake was there and still doesn't understand what happened, which is good, and maybe in years to come she'll have a look at it and see how lucky she was to escape."
  8. And a good place to start learning discipline is in when you post a message here, try and spell properly and improve your English! You are not a gangsta and no one who I've ever met when painting actually talks like that.
  9. A year is nowherre long enough for simples, this stuff takes a lot of practice and patience. Secondly, it's not about time it's about quality and your simples just don't have that yet. This is not a dis, it's straight up honest advice. Your bar lenghts aren't consistent, your letters aren't balenced and your whole word (as a picture) doesn't flow. Again, not trying to dis, just giving the advice you need. Trust us, stay simple for longer than you think you need to and keep doing them until people that are better than you tell you to get creative. You don't get to decide when you're good, that's the responsibility of people who are better than you. And that's advice for life in general, not just graf.
  10. Dude, not trying to be a dick but that is a good idea. Have a long read of the advice in the toy thread, everything you need to know is in there. Stay with simple designs for longer than you feel you need to and just make things as tidy as you can possibly get them. This shit takes years, nothing happens fast, be patient and practice. Also, try to stop speaking like a gangsta, no one actually speaks like that.
  11. Now we back on track! Nice dump with the November Remember. And Alts, I reckon you should paint that one as well. That T is near perfect.
  12. Can some one nuke this fool, please?
  13. Oh, and Pers, you’re a doosh for posting your own stuff in a best of thread...,
  14. I've always felt weird doing connections and wild stuff. Feels like I'm trying too hard. Had to quickly knock something up to feel credible again!
  15. Seriously, just fuck off to the toy thread. Your work is fucking horrible and you need a lot of practice before any of use will even come close to giving a shit about what you draw. And on a lighterr note - tried to do someting a little different for me. Jury is still out whether it was a good idea or not....
  16. "Hey baby, would you like to borrow my fan? Because you have a really hot ass!"
  17. Dear Decy, What's the best way to run a scam? Regards, Criminally inclined.
  18. CHinese graf scene coming along nicely. I painted there in 2007 and it was almost non-existant back then, to the point that me, a French dude and some locals painted a wall in broad day light in Beijing and nobody understood what was happening and took selfies with us (And also asked if they could join in.....).
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