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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. @misteraven- just to clarify my above comments, I don't know what the states are and are not responsible for in regards to the extent of the outbreak. I fully agree that they are to be held responsible for what they can influence and that each location will require a response tailored to their unique experience. All that is common sense. My point is that there was a lot the federal govt could have done, to protect the states from the get-go, which they did not do and the result is more dead than could have been and a harder job for the states to try and contain/respond. Lastly, the Federal Govt has a lot more specific resources in place (well, did until disbanded and defunded) to manage issues of national concern, such as epidemics/pandemics. PS - not everyone in CDC works on pandemics/viruses, that's only a section of the organisation and it is very, very far from the thousands of people you think it is.
  2. Oh my fucking lord. I'd link to the original Xinhua clip they're parodying/responding to but I don't assist in spreading communist propaganda Just watch it
  3. @misteravenHave you looked over the response schedule from the President (which also means the federal govt) to the outbreak? He was receiving repeated warning from his own staff, from intel agencies and other Republicans that this was a serious virus and that it would also hit the economy if not well controlled. But he continued to play it down, make public statements that there was nothing to worry about, warm weather will kill it, it will disappear like magic etc etc. HE tweeted this stuff and said it in his briefings. You don't think that has an impact on the millions upon millions of people that read/watch that? You don't think that even in his public pronouncements - let alone actual measures - if he'd taken it seriously from the start that it would have framed a very different national response? When Trump banned people coming from China, it was only Chinese travelers coming to the US. US citizens coming from China could enter the country without being tested or undergoing mandatory 14 days quarantine. He also didn't ban travel from Europe until it was way too late. This was a major fuck up for obvious reasons. Anyone coming from infected countries should have undergone 14 days quarantine and monitored during that time. He basically left the door open for multiple cities across the countries to get infected and that's exactly what happened. The states should never have been put in that position to start with, they've been playing catch up ever since because the federal response was late and undercooked. Sure, states bare as much responsibility as they should, I've never disputed that. But, the federal govt controls the agencies set up to deal with these issues, they control the strategic stockpile, they control the large orgs in place to respond to national disasters - none of that is available to the states. Trump defunded large amounts of the CDC, He also disbanded the units in the NSC and DHS that you refer to. They don't exist anymore, those people aren't there to blame. Face masks are not a big thing in Japan or Korea, more so China and Taiwan - and even then, it's like 5-10% of the population that wear them and they are pretty much confined to tier 1/2 cities, not the bulk of the country. Sorry, stand offish society doesn't work; they still cough, sneeze and in some ways are more unhygienic than Western countries. Not hugging so much or not high-fiving doesn't mean squat. They still live in high-density cities, eat at restaurants and congregate in workplaces. You might want to read more about Chinese numbers, few people (that matter) truly accept them and I didn't include China in the list of comparable countries for that precise reason. India went to full lockdown early, something the US didn't do until far too late. (cities, federal, whatever) They are also strictly enforcing social distancing.
  4. I Think this is what a lot of the louder commentators in the media were ignoring. It's easy for people to make calls when they won't be held responsible should things go wrong. And whilst there were early signs of some trends, nobody actually knew the truth and therefore, we had little choice but to treat the virus as very serious. The UK, the US and a couple of other countries were slow to respond and acted with less urgency, they now have much higher death rates than other countries. (don't talk density and other BS excuses, Japan, Korea and Taiwan have greater density than the US and UK and they also copped the brunt of it well before the US did and they still have much, much lower fatalities per capita than the US does) In saying that though, for larger distances, such as the US, Australia, CHina, etc., a localised response to the kinds of restrictions on movement is obviously the best possible balance for economy and health.
  5. Colour choice is on point too.
  6. Webinars offer great opportunities to sketch fuck that E
  7. Pheobe Gates is still hot today at a million, or however old she is.
  8. Staff drinks, where you were allowed to have one guest accompany you, in the clubs were..., rather messy affairs. I once found the DJ's wife lying in a puddle of, what I assume was her own piss. The amount of coke groupies that got to see the inside of the storeroom or back stairs was ridiculous and the arguments between the glassies as to who would DJ staffies - so they could impress the boss and become the new house DJ (lol!) - were fucking idiotic. THe clubs always looked so ugly in daylight when the curtains were drawn, which was the best way to get everyone to fuck off home.
  9. We're moving toward the same thing over here. Surveillance is key, heaps of testing and monitoring with a huge public awareness campaign with phased opening up. If there is an outbreak, which there will be multiple, they have to be detected asap. Keeping the opening phased will keep the early outbreaks more easily contained and will stop the bulk of the idiots from thinking everything is ok again, let's all just go back to the cinemas, political rallies and never wash our hands again. The difficulty for the US will in domestic travel from regional hotspots creating new outbreaks again and political actors looking to downplay outbreaks for fear of being made responsible for opening up early. (regardless whether they are responsible or not)
  10. Sparkly, high-cut hot pants and bikini tops was a thing for quite a while and I loved it. I haven't been to a club in Australia for 15 years now. Don't think I miss the clubs much.
  11. Hard to believe that it was 30 years ago that this was released - just heard Fight the Power on Double J, which is playing the whole album and doing a retrospective around it today, given the anniversary:
  12. Not that I am in any place to tell you how to sketch, but I reckon some darker colour in the 3 D would allow the letters to come out more, as they're all light colours right now.
  13. Some silliness to start the day
  14. Lol, millenials and younger can party but boomers gotta stay home.
  15. Fucking Nosferatu over here! ^^^^^
  16. Old school Delv panel just rolled by my desk.
  17. Some fucking mad parties there. Was cool to have that tiered main room with the DJ up the side, so you had the stage, the floor, the tiers and the bar area all going off. Then there was the more chilled front bar and sometimes they'd have the Dendy theatre playing trippy movies at the same time. Probably my fav party venue in Syd. Best party was when Danny Tenaglia did a fucking 8 hour set. The train ride out to Parramatta at 7am the next day was fucking harrowing though. Luckily, there was about 6 of us for mutual support. 80/90s dance parties were an experience I am so glad to have in my life. Some of the huge ones at the Horden, or those out at Wiseman's that had 15,000 people alongside the smaller, sweatier ones in basements and warehouses to the harbour cruises of only 100 or so people that all knew each other and were super-chilled events. It was our 60s but the women shaved their armpits and wore less clothes.
  18. Full of white dudes trying it with Asian chicks - sounds like Asia in general. The rumour was that the sound of the base was traveling through the water of the tank and stressing the sharks. Well, that's the one I heard anyway. Did they actually get removed or was that just rumour too? Metro was a pretty cruisy place to work. Mostly bands and dance parties, easy gigs in general. THe shit was what went down outside on the street, but that was never our problem. QBar, that was a different story altogether. Saw a bunch of serious hurt up on that street. Worst I get was a split lip from a stray punch. We were also the only independent door on the street, although, that came into question when the son of the leader of the Rebels started working on our door with his crew. In saying that though, if they were moving stuff, they were extremely quiet about it. Didn't save us any fucking trouble though, not sure what the point was.
  19. Ha, know it well but never went it. I recall the rumor that they had to removed the sharks out of the tanks as the music was distressing them. That was a pretty Chinese joint, right? How the fuck would you guys have not had security in a place like that at 3am?!
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