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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Holy shit, Pharmabro Jong!!
  2. Yep, I ran doors on George St (Metro) and Oxford St (QBar) from 95-99. I saw the Vietnamese gangs come into the city, I saw the bikies move into Oxford St chasing the speed market. I saw the wave of steroids and anger sweep through the clubs that used to be pretty peaceful and fun, based on E turn into coke city. I saw guys get their heads horribly stomped by Tongans coked to the eyeballs and boozed up. I saw a guy held down in the gutter, face out with a foot on his throat with guys throwing glasses into his face, looked like he'd been in a fucking food processor when they were done. Saw a guy fuck a chick literally in the gutter on Oxford St, etc. etc. etc. Working doors in the 90s was fucking insane. I shit you not when I say that I saw more brutality working doors than I did in conflict zones. Which bar you work in, @Schnitzel? .
  3. 90s porn for the win, though. Still remember finding my first penthouse down at McGees track, the illegal BMX trail down next to Ted Horward Reserve. Had to be careful though, old McGee might come out of his shack and punch you full of salt pellets, or so the legend went.
  4. Would I do things differently if I had my time again? Yes. do I regret anything? Go to hell.
  5. That one on the right is a porn outfit from Teenies.com, fo sho.
  6. Exactly what you'd expect the person who owns those balls to say.....
  7. I think there are a number of reasons why, one of them is that we don't have the level of wealth accumulation like you do in the US. We have stupidly rich people, they are the folk that own mining interests and the LNP (current govt) are well within their pockets. There's also a culture of tall poppy syndrome here. We often compare ourselves to the US - an American looks at a big house with 5 ferraris out front and he says "One day, I'm going to have all that too", where as Australian sees that same house and thinks "What a dick, how can I take him down". That culture is obviously toxic but it has its benefits as well. We have the 'Aussie battler' here, some one who puts up a strong fight to provide for family as the worker that's constantly beat down by the arseholes. It's a very working class mindset and it's mostly fake, but it's similar to Obama going to a burger joint, the Aussie politician wants to be seen in a pub having a beer with the good ol' Aussie battlers, you know, one of the people. It's why it will be hard to ever have some one like Trump in the head shed, because he's clearly not one of the people but the privileged few. But it also means that we are susceptible to other problems like populists (nationalists and covert racists) that just 'tell it how it is'. Our politicians are largely non-authentic, they're politicians, largely from a law background. And that makes it easier for a plain-speaking person who used to own a fish and chip joint to come in with a populist agenda and attract people because they seem 'real'. Sometimes they are, but 'real' racism is still racism and sometimes you really want some one who understands law, international relations, economics and all those other things you need university degrees for. Because leading a country is fucking complex and hard, and running a small business, whilst 'real' and important, doesn't always qualify you to understand legislation, deal with other cultures and guide a massive and complicated economy.
  8. I’d love to see you do one like that, which colour the 3D and background but leaves the letters white, just to let the flow really pop.
  9. We call them ‘long necks’, and it’s the only bottle size it comes in.
  10. Our govt folk aren't able to access whatever they want (understand it's different over there, though). They live lives relatively similar to upper-middle class Australians, for the most part. Bunch of them have been busted breaking the rules with non-essential travel and have lost their jobs (as in cabinet role, and likely pre-selection at the next election) as a result.
  11. lol, liquor shops here were never going to be shut down but still had to implement a 3 slab limit per person. Cats were like "Works closed until further notice? Better stop off at the bottlo on the way home then".
  12. Mousetrap was awesome and anyone who disagrees can GTFO. Although, I think it might have been a 70s creation, not 80s. The boardgame sucked, you skipped playing that altogether and just set up the trap so you could spring it. The rolling marble was the highlight.
  13. They exported Sheaf stout??! Label has barely changed, can still buy it from the corner shop.
  14. Still have that drum and xylophone, daughter was playing with it today.
  15. I too am fearful of how I might look (not to mention how I might feel about myself) taking perveract shots. And fuck it, if I want to see pics of hot chicks, there's already an ocean of them on the internet where some one else has taken the trouble to organise them for me!
  16. Some truths mixed with some BS. whislt there is no doubt that the US reacted very slowly to the pandemic, you can’t compare cases to countries like Indonesia, India, etc because we have no idea how many cases there are in those countries, they can’t afford the tests and costs of mobilization like the US can. i agree with a lot of what it was saying (only watched 5 mins ) but there were a lot of mistakes in there b
  17. Tried brewing my second brown ale today, an American brown, to be precise. First one was a complete screw up with a totally stck mash (had a bunch of oats in it but the vessel I was using was more the issue). It turned out nice but it much more of a porter than a brown. Today, I think, if I'm lucky, I brewed a red, otherwise, it's going to be a hoppy amber. Voyager compass - 69% Voyager Veloria - 21% Dark Crustal - 5% Light choc - 2% (10m) Shepherd's Delight - 1.5% (10m) Brown malt - 1.5% FWH - Amarill0 30g, Magnum 10g 10 min - Ella 15g, Citra 15g, Amarillo 15g whirlpool - Ella 20g Actually hit my numbers, which is only the second time since doing AG: pre-boil 1055, post-boil 1061 Was aiming for 67 mash temp but let it drop down to 64 at one stage, due to divided attention. Did two cubes, will dry hop one and leave the other neat to compare flavours. Both will be US05.
  18. She's rockin that skull face, hard.
  19. Dear SM, Ha! Awesome! I'd actually completely forgotten what I'd sent you and was trying to think what it was, just the other day. Got to be 10 years ago by now. C PS - your slaps got up in China as well, not sure if I ever sent pics to you, or not.
  20. former lawyer now top celebrity chef in Aust talking about the tracking apps
  21. @Fist 666yep, all you had to do was fly through airspace to get a combat badge, on our side of the pond. I don't wear my gongs, don't even know where they are, TBH. Our annual remembrance day was yesterday, I slept in until 9. Fuck it, When I left the army I left all that shit behind. I don't take anything away from anyone else but it's all a bit 'flag-waving-esque' for me. Plus, after the 2003 invasion it was no longer about dying for your nation as it had, mostly been for us..., in saying that WWI was dying for the motherland, as were numerous other deployments. But, that just reinforces my position about fuck all that shit. Playing pew pews is fun and all, but seeing dead kids and old men crying for the dead families kind of brings it back to reality.
  22. And there is it. You can set your watch by this shit.
  23. HA! Came in here to do the exact same thing.
  24. @Schnitzelthat wall paper is fucking dope. My grandparents had some of the coolest 1960s wallpaper there ever way. Some of the designs from the 60/70s needs to be brought back.
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