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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Yeah, not an actual medical doctor, mis-stated statistics, badly. Not even allowed to practice in his actual profession of psychology anymore. Quality journalism, not agenda driven, at all.
  2. Regards the first paragraph, I really don't know what to argue for, as I said earlier, it's a wicked argument - one answer just raises a new problem for me. However, you have framed it in an illegitimate way. It's got nothing to do about feeling safe, or emotionally based argument. There is undeniable science behind virology and there is zero doubt that this is a highly contagious virus and that keeping people away from each other reduces the rate and risk of infection. That is not panic and that is not emotionally based. Regards your second paragraph, I feel you are being a little condescending here, it's not a lazy argument at all. You seem to think that taking actions to reduce risk of infection is about making people feel safe rather than actually reducing their risk of infection. I can't understand why you are framing it that way and since you believe that this is a dead end debate I think I will leave it there. .
  3. But is it not wrong for their high-risk behaviors to then place others that don't have a choice at high-risk too? Why are one group of people's rights to do what they want more important than another group of people's rights not to be needlessly placed at risk?
  4. Here's where that info was taken from: https://www.ft.com/coronavirus-latest
  5. Holy shit, does the US actually have 2000 people dying a day from this, even when the country is in lockdown and doing testing?! Not trying to be sensationalist but I didn't realise that things were actually that bad. It's obviously not in any category close to a flu and I can't believe people in areas where there are serous outbreaks, like Florida, are starting to reopen again. My money is on a second wave. Even though things have been handled pretty well by govt and society here in Aust., everyone is pretty concerned about a second wave as we head into Winter and we consider opening borders...., and when we've got the black box of Indonesia to our north, where things are likely pretty bad but nobody knows due to the complexity of the country and their financial position.
  6. @misteraven- it's not just hospital workers, its garbage collectors, the checkout operators at the chemist and super markets. It's the school teachers and sanitation workers, bus drivers and Fedex delivery drivers that are put at higher risk because people choose to be stupid. That doesn't seem at all fair. Either way, we're all doing a lot of opining and guess work, including the professionals as this is a novel virus, it's impossible to talk facts when nobody has them all. And that's one of the reasons why a risk averse approach is important because the consequences of fucking it up are catastrophic. It's better to be wrong on the side of caution because under-reacting is going to have a faaaar worse effect on the economy than over-reacting. People just don't seem to get that having piles of bodies in the streets and losing 10% of your population is going to fuck the economy far worse than this shut down. .
  7. I don't fully understand this as he's using industry terminology/jargon. But the takeaway is clear, the oil market is tanking and the impacts for petro-economies, such as Russia, KSA, Venezuela, etc. are fuckiiiing huuuuuuge......
  8. Ah, you're right, I did some changes to privacy settings and VPN recently, that's where the problem is, thanks @misteraven
  9. From an apparent expert at Bloomberg: Oil costs $ to store. Due to the economic collapse, oil isn't being used much. So all the storage facilities are filled up. So nobody who can store it will buy it from you. If you want to get rid of oil, you have to pay someone.
  10. I used to be able to copy the link from the top of a Twitter thread, post it here and the forum would show all of the tweets and replies (I could see all this on my laptop but my work desktop showed a mess of black text and coding, etc) Now, on my laptop, I can no longer see the twitter posts, just black text and a bunch of jumbled shit.
  11. Will never forget the first time I saw cake farts, here on 12. Still one of those little life moments for me.
  12. Fucking wow (not completely CV19 related but part of it) Oil futures at below $1 a barrel
  13. And what about the bit regards clogging up the hospital system and increasing the mortality rate for everyone because they chose to take known and huge risks? If people choose to be stupid can we then choose to tell them that they are at the bottom of the list for emergency services, a hospital bed and access to respirators, etc. etc? What about when they start infecting others, such as essential workers through their high-risk and stupid activities? What you say is fine if their actions only impact them personally. But this is a highly infectious disease, their actions impact others. Do people have a right to risk the lives of others?
  14. Yeah, that's the thread. Is there a way we can post threads up like this? Not sure what the story is but using the same browser twitter posts on 12OZ look different from my work computer to my laptop. I can't read that ^^^^
  15. Did you notice that many govts released the modeling, including in the US and there was no mass panic, even though the numbers were very high?
  16. Yes, but GPS/tower data gives more value than Bluetooth could. Makes the Bluetooth data basically redundant, why do it? As to your point about opting in, well, they will have to force it into your phone as the apple/google tech is meaningless on its own. wont speak for other, more authoritarian govts but I’ll bet my magical third testicle that the Aust govt won’t force us to install their app.
  17. And I think this is what a lot of the protestors don't grasp: "Unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery economically is not going to happen," Dr. Anthony Fauci You can open up and go to work but don't get sick, don't need surgery, don't have a car crash, don't have an industrial accident, don't get shot, don't have cancer, don't have a heart condition, don't hurt yourself playing sport, etc. etc. because the health system will already have more than it can deal with because of the virus and a heap of folk are going to die. And with that, the economy will likely tank anyway because people will freak at higher mortality rates for everything due to lack of available care and stay home, run to the hills or just fucking die.
  18. Not disagreeing with what you're saying in terms of how law works, we have the same thing with our constitution here. However, in the face of a pandemic (imagine if CV19 was this transmissible but with the mortality rate of 20%) and a swathe of idiots who were convinced that it's all a CHICOM psyop - a la Alex Jones - were whipping up doubt and hysteria similar to what we see today. How do you save a nation from it's weakest links? Keep in mind that these idiots that are carrying the "My body my decision" signs are also the ones who will pass it on to others and will needlessly inundate and overwhelm the hospitals when they get infected, in this scenario. Their decisions have direct impacts on other people's lives, like they're indirectly taking other people's rights away from them by undertaking high risk activities like gathering en masse without proper protection, etc. So, whilst I fully agree, you can't (or shouldn't) undermine the most fundamental of laws whenever it suits, what do you do if the most fundamental of laws is an impediment to keeping people safe and the nation from imploding? It's a hypothetical this time around but not at all implausible. I don't have an answer because I can see value in both sides of the argument. Starting position for any responsible citizen is to never trust those with power, so don't give them much in the first place. But sometimes you've also gotta crash tackle the idiot who's about to light up a cigarette in a gas station for his own good and the good of everyone else in the area. Wicked problems for wicked times. .
  19. That's from 1918 Apparently the US went through the same shit it's going through now with people protesting the use of masks like they're protesting the lockdowns now. I wish I could copy/paste the research but it's in a million tweets from a journalist and would take too long. Link to the photo archive: https://californiarevealed.org/islandora/object/cavpp%3A70110 .
  20. Yes it will matter. The Google/Apple app is to run in conjunction with a govt reporting app. If you don't have both it won't make any difference. Sure, Google/Apple could use the bluetooth data for their own nefarious purposes, but that would be pretty redundant as they get much richer data out of GPS/cell tower data, which they already have.
  21. One thing that I've become quite proud of here in Australia is how prevalent the conversation is in mainstream media about how govts are prone to do power grabs at times like this, (the popular example is that income tax was implemented to fund the WWII costs but remained in place when the war was over) and that it is imperative that the media and voting public pay attention and react should life not return to normal when this is all over. This is especially important as the Aust govt is requesting that at least 40% of the country install a tracking-type app on their phone for contact tracing (apparently doesn't track geoloc and other phone data but tracks, by blutooth who else you come in contact with - it's the same app that the Singapore govt has used and they're releasing the source code for it, etc. etc.), which I most certainly will not be installing.
  22. Incel hipsters: we were social distancing before it was cool
  23. Jesus Fuck, that's a hefty cat. As sad as it is that it's dead I sure as hell wouldn't want that fucker stalking around my family home. I think bears scare me more than cats and dogs.
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