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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. I like the look he's giving out the front of the abortion clinic, like "Yeah, I fucked 'em".
  2. Anyway, let's get the vote on. MEK is clearly #1, with A. Hoffman and The Prostitutor coming in as runners up.
  3. Yeah, I've never thought 1UP's stuff was well done. There's a lot of crap Aussie panels as well, although most of what's done in that River City vid is decent enough quality.
  4. Lol, not sure it's actually an olive branch that's being extended there, but accepted all the same.
  5. To be clear, no one is talking about violence or coercion here. Just yappin on about the 1up Crew and how 10 dudes rock up to a platform in ballies and rock out a coordinated whole car together in a matter of minutes.
  6. I don't know, I read his point loud and clear, even if I don't agree with it. No spot is getting blown up, they are doing it on rail platforms. I agree that it's confronting to passengers and guards given you have large groups of masked up and organised dudes creating menace but a bomb is a bomb and bombing is a central element to graf. I'm also a brick person myself and I prefer to piece. However there's something impressive to me in the preparedness, execution and sheer audacity of a fucking wholecar on a station platform in 4 mins flat! I don't think they are blowing up spots and I don't think they are necessarily making things worse for the rest of us. Neither you nor I paint in Germany or Europe at all for that matter and I can't see these cats doing platform wholecars in Australia either. So it really means nothin to me and I'd guess you, COS either. I prefer piecing but I respect the bomb.
  7. Sorry, but that shit is nowhere near the level required to be in this thread. At the risk of offense I'd even say that it actually belongs in the toy thread.
  8. I think the Euros have taken bombing to the next level too. Those whole car gangbangs where 12 dudes cover a whole side in 4 mins flat.
  9. Figured I'd keep mine simple since MEK has already been in here beating people up.
  10. Not from this year, but, River City parts 1 & 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2jV1RY5vxQ Play them both at the same time and the lead in music sounds like one single track. Well, it did to me anyway.
  11. I get paid by the mile, I drive twinks like Brickos to their clients and make sure the Johns don't abuse the merch or that the boys don't do hours without giving the house it's cut.
  12. You can have a negative opinion of something without being a hater. If something is no good, it's simply no good. And if it helps, I reckon your music sounds pretty contrived, like you're trying, reaching rather than just kicking. No hate, just saying.
  13. Dan, that shit is nuts, mate! Good to see some Show back in the thread again too.
  14. Yeah, can't help but agree with this as well as Hal's response. Back to the vids....
  15. Nah, I was just taking the piss. I actually get paid by contact, I buff trains.
  16. IF you're on a new account you have to do your account settings to make the pages go from oldest to newest.
  17. Would love to see a bigger res of that ^^^ in order to properly appreciate that Bones. Shit's intricate.
  18. Seriously, just fuck off, would you please?
  19. Bunch of them are shitty little instagram pics, I like shit to fill the screen and complain like a whingy bitch when they don't. Would contribute but no one paints trucks around here...., shit, we don't even have a train line!
  20. This feels so very Rok1t-esque to me.
  21. Great thread, needs bigger pics though.
  22. I get paid by the post, I set opinions on internet forums for their owners.
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