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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Hua Guofang


    Mech refers to the upper part of the D, below it you have the cage and jockey wheels, attaching the mech to the frame is the hanger. That's how I've always known it anyway. So pissed at what happened today. Prior to the first flat I pulled an up-hill Strava PR. Prior to the second flat I pulled a PR (17 on overall leader board) on a fast/DH section. Today was clearly a day for records to tumble, should I have not incurred the wrath of the gods. Shits me too as I don't have a new tubeless tyre ready to put on either. Am going to have to ride with a tube - which just feels weird now - until I get an order sent from the UK or US (everything is expensive here).
  2. Hua Guofang


    We call rear Derailleur hangers, rear Derailleur hangers over here. Never heard them called anything else, actually! I you had a chain breaker with you, you could have removed the rear D and bodgied up a single speed setup enough to get you out of trouble. I normally carry a breaker on longer rides. I had a hanger made out of butter once on a Kona Stinky that bent right at the top of a 7 minute DH run, after hitting a water bar at about 40kph sending the D cage into the spokes. First run of a race weekend as well. Will take this opportunity to buy the other half of my Xmas present, bike parts and tools. The other half was paint. It's what I get every year, best presents possible.
  3. Hua Guofang


    Went for a lunch time ride out along the ridge near where I live. 10 mins in to it a small piece of flat metal plate on the trail slashed fuck straight through the base of my rear tyre. No amount of silicon/tubless jizz was going to seal that up. Popped in the spare tube I carry with me and off I went again. 2/3rds through the track and the rear goes all sloppy, apparently the tube that I used was made out of custard and pinch-flatted, some fucking how. Welcome to a 3km push home along the ridge line in 30+ degree heat. Happy fucking new year to me. Go fuck yourself.
  4. If any one is stoopid enough to self incrim here then they deserve it. I only do legals these days, as do a number of the older heads here. Kinda expect them/us to fill this thread out more than anything.
  5. Don't mean to sound like a dick but why on earth would aircraft fly AROUND land masses and bunch together over maritime choke points? It's maritime traffic.
  6. That's one hell of a mistake to make when you're drunk, most guys just fuck a fat chick or try and fight the bouncer. But, best of luck to dude sorting his shit out before he kills himself.
  7. why does he have a lizard tail AND a fluffy bunny tail?
  8. Yeah, Salvos are generally pretty good folk that do good shit and are one of the only charities that I will donate to. I've seen them working in the streets to working combat zones, all for zero pay, just because they are good folk. I know they aint perfect but you gotta be seriously losing at life to rip of/profit from a charity org that actually does good.
  9. Yeah, probably not but it seems to work other places and this place could do with some action other than DAO-based arguing.
  10. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?p=8743692#post8743692 Sorted.
  11. Reckon there's a bunch of us here that paint on the reg and this forum is too slow. So, post up your kit in here. However, this is not an invitation for toys to start flinging their shit around. Toys stay in the toy thread until they encouraged not to. Here's something recent and a few oldies from me to get things rollin - Waffle49 by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Fashn Fat and Dignified by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Mao49 Grey Finished by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr
  12. yeah, the fuck outa here in to...., we kind of need a 'post your pieces thread' As a matter of fact
  13. Dao Lummox This foo going round spamming heaps of forums with his crap..., obviously overly and disproportionately proud of that children's book doodle he calls a sketch.
  14. Morton, are you saying that your mate was ripping off the Salvation Army?
  15. Not to end up at fucking karaoke next New Year's Eve.....
  16. Mine is to stop making new years resolutions.
  17. Well that should be nice for the kiddies, they're always going on about apocalypse this and day of reckoning that. It's a pity that they couldn't get themselves organised to have Y2K, the end of the Mayan calendar and Hades gates all on the same day. It would have been nice to see everyone together again.
  18. I get paid by consignment, I make wigs, mostly black ones for the Mexican and Native American markets.
  19. You don't believe in the I don't think you understand how faith works..... The creator will return one day, all you have to do is believe.
  20. I don't use a tablet so adblock works well for me. I would never have used adblock on my computer if the ads on this website were not so overbearing.
  21. I get paid by the column, I'm a sports reporter and restaurant critic for Pitcairn News.
  22. I get paid on a head count basis, I'm an embalmer at a mortuary.
  23. Takin the Alpha-battle to the walls....
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