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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Graf and wine? Not a typical match in my opinion. Cope and wine? wow, you gotta be fucking kidding me..... http://www.12ozprophet.com/news/recap-cope2-67wine-release-la-caldera-67
  2. Holy jesus, that's a lot of money there, mate! The only sup that I ever felt made a real dif for me was creatine. THese days, when I'm not being decimated by tendonitis I prefer just to eat. Breakfasts of oats, mixed nuts/seeds and dried fruits with some nut meal like almonds, hazelnut, lecithin, etc. Lunches and dinner are usually lots of eggs, tuna, chicken, green veges and fruit. Dinner is usually same as lunch but with beef and fish as well with a big salad and nuts before bed. I drink lo-fat mil pretty constantly through the day as well. I'm a pretty thick set dude and with that kind of diet along with some good cycling mixed in I have no trouble putting on size. Just being doing heaps of pool stuff and mountain biking lately. Getting in to the Enduro Gravity racing this year so the focus right now is bikes and fitness.
  3. Are they actually yours? They are pretty old.
  4. Hua Guofang


    My reverb dropper seat post shat itself today, thing is only like 3 months old. Pressed the button, seat dropped all the way and completely lost it's pressure. It just freely slides up and down now. I'm shattered, was going to go for an epic run up a mountain this weekend too. Anyone else had trouble with an RS Reverb dropper?
  5. Finally finished my exchange for Satire. The Waffle and the wildish red and white came our alright but the stack is pretty average - bottom two are fine but the top three kind of got away from me. Satire Exchange Double by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Satire Exchange Sideways by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Satire Exchange Waffle by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Satire Exchange Stack by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr
  6. That map ^^^^ is inaccurate. Malaysian monarchs have real powers and they use them, which is nonsense in and of itself. One may also equate DPRK with a monarchy given the Kim family's status, lineage and powers. Again, nonsense.
  7. Hua Guofang


    Yeah, I'm about to go do some climbs on gnared out loose rock/dirt on my Chase single speed. Being SS it means you have to keep up a constant strong cadence to get over/through shit. It's going to be a work and will kick my arse as well. Great fucking trails though, within stone's throw from my home as well.
  8. Hua Guofang


    Will have to snap my rides some time soon. I'm on a Cannondale Chase (SS), Cannondale 1FG (SS) and the latest edition is a Trek Remedy 9, the fucker that flatted on me twice today. They're all MTBs but the 1FG has Kendra K-Rads on it and is used for commuting and doing bike paths, etc. THis is a pretty old one, different build on that frame these days.
  9. Hua Guofang


    Mech refers to the upper part of the D, below it you have the cage and jockey wheels, attaching the mech to the frame is the hanger. That's how I've always known it anyway. So pissed at what happened today. Prior to the first flat I pulled an up-hill Strava PR. Prior to the second flat I pulled a PR (17 on overall leader board) on a fast/DH section. Today was clearly a day for records to tumble, should I have not incurred the wrath of the gods. Shits me too as I don't have a new tubeless tyre ready to put on either. Am going to have to ride with a tube - which just feels weird now - until I get an order sent from the UK or US (everything is expensive here).
  10. Hua Guofang


    We call rear Derailleur hangers, rear Derailleur hangers over here. Never heard them called anything else, actually! I you had a chain breaker with you, you could have removed the rear D and bodgied up a single speed setup enough to get you out of trouble. I normally carry a breaker on longer rides. I had a hanger made out of butter once on a Kona Stinky that bent right at the top of a 7 minute DH run, after hitting a water bar at about 40kph sending the D cage into the spokes. First run of a race weekend as well. Will take this opportunity to buy the other half of my Xmas present, bike parts and tools. The other half was paint. It's what I get every year, best presents possible.
  11. Hua Guofang


    Went for a lunch time ride out along the ridge near where I live. 10 mins in to it a small piece of flat metal plate on the trail slashed fuck straight through the base of my rear tyre. No amount of silicon/tubless jizz was going to seal that up. Popped in the spare tube I carry with me and off I went again. 2/3rds through the track and the rear goes all sloppy, apparently the tube that I used was made out of custard and pinch-flatted, some fucking how. Welcome to a 3km push home along the ridge line in 30+ degree heat. Happy fucking new year to me. Go fuck yourself.
  12. Passing the time Mao49 Idle Hands by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr
  13. This is fucking nuts. This cat have a flickr or some kind of website?
  14. Tendonitis all but passed, looking forward to new year, switching to majority compound and core work.
  15. Those colours work excellent togetherr.
  16. Sorry, but that shit is nowhere near the level required to be in this thread. At the risk of offense I'd even say that it actually belongs in the toy thread.
  17. Dan, that shit is nuts, mate! Good to see some Show back in the thread again too.
  18. C'mon....., the letters are clearly made of methane hydrate Shit is widely available to be slapped on a wall
  19. Lovin those Mao49's, mate, awesome stuff, thanks heaps. Started on yours last night.
  20. Sunday night special. Little homey is gold, bit hard to tell thanks to my shitty camera. Goldfinger BW by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Goldfinger by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr
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