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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Not an intolerance, just don't like them in big slices on pizza. The basil/goat cheese is at a movie theater that also serves microbrew, fucking awesome. Night at the ballet would be some of these pies that has shit like figs and truffle honey on it, or grapes. Never tried any of that, but I've seen similar on several menus.
  2. Really it's more of a shame that the UFC doesn't market him more. He sells himself by winning. The UFC will spend craploads to hype this little known loudmouth douchebag fighting Aldo but does little to hype a guy who has run through his division. They need to explore new talent that can be a match for Johnson so they have something to hype.
  3. Yeah, like the captain of the ship has found a stowaway that needs to be thrown overboard. Do fuck a black chick. But be forewarned, you'll never go back.
  4. Sucks when you have to poop but something delays you and then the moment is gone and then you're stuck with it until the sensation comes again.
  5. Decent links for Saturday's fight? There's no way I could see paying for that shit. I thought Rampage was out but UFC is still showing it as on. Couldn't give a shit about watching Bisping fight. And Johnson is a sure win. Even if he wasn't tearing shit up, no Japanese fighter has made a successful transition to UFC where they've had multiple significant wins.
  6. Might as well take it to the top of the page.......
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