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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. My name is OMB, and I am a public urinator.
  2. Viszlas are dope, may very well be my next dog, but hopefully it will be a long time before then for the sake of my current doggie. Boss is away, called out from work and went benching all day. Hooray!
  3. It will be a different style of fight from Jones but I'm thinking Johnson if he punches Cormier in the face.
  4. Dude got his title stripped. Next up, Johnson VS Cormier.
  5. You know it's pretty bad when you can't stand the smell of your own fart.
  6. amazing_odd_interesting_funny_lap-pillow_200907231 That's not too pervy. Now with crotch scent?
  7. 'Yo man, fuck the Baltimore police man! Getting my revenge right here, gonna teach the system and the man not to fuck wit me! How you gonna clean up this mess now- I got your paper towels B! That's right, paper towels! Nah dawg, this aint no weak shit, this is 2 ply super absorbent shit right here! Modern day rebel shit, ya heard?! Fuck these motherfucking police!'
  8. You referencing what's there now, or the deleted spam post that was beneath that?
  9. safe_image.php?d=AQAfsonsHtHjHUw4&w=470&h=
  10. See, now that there is some good spamming. Hooray pornz!!!
  11. Haven't heard these updated details but still, douchebag move. UFC is going to be under mega pressure here in terms of how their fighters represent the sport and what to do with fuck ups like this. BTW, dude was sketchy long before he became the champ, he made some comment about snitching on people right around his 1st fight.
  12. Once I thought I had a tick on my balls, then I realized it was just my dick. Anyhow, I've been in some tick infested areas on missions. For Lyme disease it's really the deer ticks you have to watch out for, their body is about the size of a pin. Science supposedly says that they have to be attached to you for around 24hrs (look that up to check that) for you to get Lyme. I think that you get a red ring, but that may just be from a tick bite. Other ticks can still carry nasty shit though, so it's in your interest to break out the tick spray before venturing out. This year I'm trying out this shit (permethrin): Supposedly safe for human use once dry. You spray your clothes and let dry, then it's good for several washes. Look it up. Did my shoes, pants, backpack for now. As for removing ticks, I've had to remove a few from the dog, and from myself once or twice. Best method I've found is to simply roll it around in circles, maybe reverse directions here or there. Takes a minute or so, but the tick will back itself out so you don't have to worry about burning yourself or leaving part of it behind in your skin.
  13. Eh, that link's fucked too. Caught a knockout before it was knocked out.
  14. Got it here if anyone needs it: http://www.stream2utv.eu/watch/28368/1/UFC-UFC-186---Demetrious-Johnson-vs-Kyoji-Horiguchi.html
  15. Links for tonight? The ones listed a few pages back are awful, sorry.
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