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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Barely scratches because you can tell a lot by people's language and how they use it, and most of that is readily observable info if you pay attention to it (remember way back when 12oz learned what a 'jawn' was?). Even if you can't tell by listening you can look a lot of that up. What is happening with people's info goes far, far deeper because the more points of data collected on you the more mathematical equations that can be done with that info to figure shit out about individual and group behaviors, taking us far off what most of us can or could figure out on our own. People are also being sculpted using their emotions as well as behaviors based off info obtained. Of course, this info can be used for good, such as medical research that helps determine how different people are affected by diseases or their treatment. But unfortunately far more of your data goes toward getting you to do things that are not to your advantage or that you ordinarily might not do. Take an overly simplified example- the supermarket figures out that a lot of men who buy shaving cream also happen to buy cranberry juice, so the supermarket puts the cranberry juice on the end of the shaving cream aisle not to make it more convenient for men, but because it increases the probability of selling those 2 items together instead of selling either one separately. And regardless of the reason that men happen to buy those 2 products together, simple fact is they will, and simple fact is that some men will go to that aisle looking just for shaving cream, and some will leave with both products even though that was not their intention. BTW, if you're reading this thinking that's bullshit, I ask you to look at how many people you know with that little plastic supermarket tag on their key rings, the one they scan at every purchase for electronic coupons- what do you think that's for? They say it saves paper coupons, but then why doesn't the store simply put the item on sale? Why do you have to sign up to receive coupons that in all prior history were just there, available to all? Data collection. I mean how else is the store going to know that men who buy product A are also buying totally unrelated product B? It's not enough for stores to say we sell a shit ton of tomato sauce, stock more. They want to know who bought that sauce so they can market more to them, and they want to know what they bought with the sauce to market that to them too. There are a lot of psychological properties at play here... too much to discuss at once. If you ever walked through the whole Ikea store you got played. If you ever went to a store like Ikea or anywhere else with the set intention to get something and leave, and you leave with more than what you set out for, you probably got played. Your emotional reactions are also used to sell you shit, your behavioral reactions are used against you if you don't understand them... that's part of what that Facebook story above is about. People have become blindly trained to their phones like Pavlov training a dog. They've taken man's need for social connection and exploited it, made people believe they need to be a part of their artificially created social world, very, very sad. When people talk about wanting to quit social media I ask that you examine what is it providing you that e-mail doesn't? With social media it seems like people want to collect their shit in one spot, show it off, compare. But, they also are attracted to likes, comments, views..., receiving a message that someone liked/commented/viewed you... basic psychology, like getting someone to play the slot machine again and again, or getting a pigeon to peck a bar. I hope people will continue to discuss and explore these concepts, important shit. You can also get a good beginning understanding off any intro to social psychology type book.
  2. Korean film in Korean/Japanese with English subtitles. Drama/suspense, did not feel like 2.5 hours with the twists, peppering of erotica, and a side of light gore.
  3. There are a number of points with funny wording in that article. Cool finds, like this sort of shit myself. Years ago there was a serial bank robber who really liked getting over on the authoriries. Ended up getting caught because he had robbery kits stashed around in buried 5 gallon buckets and one was discovered by a hiker or something.
  4. You might call it... a dishonorable discharge? http://www.krem.com/news/local/okanogan-county/graphic-obscene-skydrawings-spotted-in-okanogan-co/492496113?ftag=MSF0951a18
  5. I see from your posts that you're at that awkward stage where you don't know how to talk to people. Relax. Chill.
  6. If you have a sister in SF get a train/bus ticket there and go. There are too many factors working against you to hop a train at this time, too many to explain here, not the least of which is lack of experience/knowledge on the topic. Do more reading/research.
  7. Monikers. Industrial paint markers such as Markal, which are used to mark on metal, they're semi-solid, waxy. The RR uses them to mark on cars, rails, etc., as needed. I suppose chalk may have been used by all (hobo, worker) back in the day but it's all paint marker now.
  8. You sound as if you're trying to run away from home...?
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