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Everything posted by aLBERThOFFMAN

  1. Being unnecessarily bitchy and snobby, pet peeve. Tpbm is stoked about the long weekend. Edit, Timing fail. @cancer false unless I smell BO around and wanna check if it's me, usually isn't.
  2. Tried that shit. It was actually decent, dipped it in bbq sauce. The thought of what I was eating was casually offputting however. A long ass hotdog-hoop wrapped in dough, tasted and seemed overly processed and made with x number of different animals' scraps. The kind you trim off the meat before you cook it.
  3. Meh, I probably would. Make dat ass clap
  4. Sounds like you've just passed your n00b gains phase which is normal. My advice is to just lower the weights on the lifts you're failing and keep at it. I'm not planning on switching my routine or cutting until i hit around 2 plates on my squat. It's around this time when you actually start to hate lifting, especially squatting (fuck they're hectic and I'm only at 180 right now). Just gotta push yourself and tell yourself to stop being a little bitch :D. Watching videos online of scrawny girls squatting heavier than yourself is good enough motivation for me. Don't get discouraged by your lack of gains, I've been hovering around the weights I'm at now for like a month and it's annoying. Just gotta trek through it.
  5. That flick is deceiving. She's probably got a nasty gut behind all that hair.
  6. This. Everything Fist just said answers pretty much every question in this whole thread. Ever. Keep it simple till you grasp the basics, and even once you do keep keeping it simple. Progression takes time and practice.
  7. Casually true. Tpbm is going to a bar tonight to prey on all the vulnerable single bitches fiending the d.
  8. False Tpbm can't keep a jacket paint free for longer than a month.
  9. False, but sounds fun. Tpbm likes to whisper "just the tip?" into random strangers' ears as they walk by.
  10. Sure. Tpbm would bang Barbra Streisand.
  11. Evidently my marker arsenal isn't up to par with you guys, but I was bored at work so I did this up quick. Done with 2 dry-erase markers and a highlighter.
  12. True, at leas I was told. Rumors get spread and people talk shit. Buddy is one of those alpha manwhores though so I wouldn't be surprised. Tpbm has had an unwanted pregnancy scare.
  13. Sausage, eggs, toast, hashbrown, milk and coffee
  14. False, got it in last night. Tpbm is sexually satisfied.
  15. Hahaha trashtrashtrash. None of these are even close.
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