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Everything posted by aLBERThOFFMAN

  1. More people need to post, I thought this was a graffiti forum like dayumn. And although MEK's colours are on point, I honestly like mine more :D
  2. Re: random thoughts My shits smell alcoholic. I didn't even drink last night.
  3. Not one to spread rumors online but I do have a bunch of stolen flicks i could dump somewhere.
  4. Good luck on that revival MC. Flickr is dead now for the most part but i know nurgas still lurking. 150 views with no faves or comments, fuck outchea.
  5. Also here are some good feeds I'm following: @mistertotem2 @wrecklords @youngjarus @bazookafilms77 @take5lovesyou @ninjagraffiti @bizarrebeyondbelief @suicidegirls @whoopsx2 @cbscrew @hashtagbluntgod @travmsk @asend_one @snapasauris_rex @constructivedestruction
  6. Bumping this cause I added a bunch of you. Won't say who I am on here but if you see montel pop up, that would be yours truly. Also this has been said before, but Borris kills it.
  7. Mek steals the show again and I get no love :(
  8. OK guys bear with me on this one as this might sound outlandish or even downright nonsensical but here it goes. Before Utah: After Utah: Before Utah: After Utah: TAKE THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT GUYS BUT THIS COULD VERY WELL BE THE BIGGEST CONSPIRACY IN THE GRAFFITI COMMUNITY TO THIS DATE. IF YOU FUCK UTAH, SHE WILL DRAIN YOUR STYLE RIGHT THROUGH YOUR DICK HOLE. :lol::scrambled::lol::scrambled::lol::scrambled::lol::scrambled::lol::scrambled: :D
  9. Bump ba-dump since that toy pushed this thread down the list.


    Chill or be chilled.
  11. Flexin in dat fighter stance. I thoroughly enjoy doing these, it's a nice change to focus on just one letter as opposed to a whole word.
  12. Cosigned on the cheese part. BK stepping their copyright infringement game up. I would definitely try that though considering BK does the whole burger thing way better than McDicks IMO.
  13. Not even picky with burgers, mushrooms and sauteed onions are the shit when available. I usually just have the basics if I make them myself tho. I fucked with the angry whopper today. The bacon, sauce, cheese combo does it, nh.
  14. Re: random thoughts The truth of the matter is physics ain't fun.
  15. Great to hear such inspiring words from a well-established individual such as yourself. Wild bro.
  16. Re: random thoughts ^Now that you mention it, that shit is downright absurd.
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