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Everything posted by anybody_wanna_chestnut?

  1. something else to plug into a wall and look like a tv without being a tv. the dick who made this is probably sitting on a pile of money too...
  2. LOL my thoughts exactly. Grandpa whys that horse riding that man?
  3. i thought i was like the only person ever who rents dvds from the library...im always surprised with the amount of good shit they have im eating hot pockets listening to flipper trying to find the energy to go smoke a newport outside flipper - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6bfoSVUPuQ
  4. LOL reddit sucks shit. the layouts confusing and after checking it out for a whole 3 minutes, ill never go back
  5. Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed yeah, there were tons of trolls fucking that thread up for a long time..
  6. i think walt will be able to talk his way out of getting found out by hank, its not like the book said "hey it was fun cooking meth with you" i think walt could play it off like they were just chemistry nerds or something like that, considering the book was by walt whitman, i dont think that it was strange that it said, to my other favorite w.w. i dunno, husk, whatdaya think? I think both aaron paul and bryan cranston are both gonna be doing a lot of things once that breaking bad is actually done..cranston was in judge dredd already i think. Im guessing that their contracts prob are limiting what they can do t.v. wise for now. Does vince gillian do any other tv/movies? hes a awesome story teller. Husk props for all the cool info. must spread rep...
  7. Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed even tho a lot of good people dont come on here any more, tyhe log in bullshit is annoying, and there has been a decline in new cool threads/cool shit to talk about, 12oz is still my favorite website to come on and i always look forward to checkin in
  8. ......so is flynn didn't kill anyone yet.....
  9. i forgot a person actually looked like that in real life....i was having a good day too damnit
  10. br0 check out my grog... This woulda happened on the old oontz...hell prob end up meeting up with a mobb of 14 year olds rocking bmx bikes and fitted hats on today's oontz
  11. Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed yeah its a bummer to come on here and see the same thread at the top that was there 2 hours ago. It used to be hard to keep up with everything going on here...that was awesome..now its like almost just a habit. plus they banned my real username for bullshit...i honestly was about to quit this shit for good. It seemed fucked up to ban one of the only recently contributing members like that....i mean this place is dying for real. gimme a god damned peanut. I have a feeling its not only 12oz...i think a lot of forums are dying out.
  12. lol my thoughts too....these days i see bitches like that littered at malls, some of the a.a. meetings i go to. philly has a overloaded population of slors that look like that....black sweatpant - black adidas, and the fake gold hoop earrings with their names in em....90% or em named ashley. only in america
  13. false. i shot a chipmunk w a bb gun and ate it tpbm has a date with minibus's mother tonight
  14. i like how he poured it in a cats dish at the end.
  15. you could def pee on her and shed be cool with it
  16. would they both get drunk if one drank? or high if they smoked?? i guess they share the same blood...thats crazy stoled from nonsense thread...i would..
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