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Everything posted by where

  1. Have pleasurable trip to Branson, Missouri. Drink blood. Are you shook?
  2. The diameter of your knowledge is the circumference of your activities.
  3. Bump this. It's a bum ying yang!
  4. I hear adolescent white females never feel dirty.
  5. This sounds like the type of place people would clap after seeing a good movie.
  6. Good call props. I just watched The Gift this week. It was dope. This dude made a what movie should I watch On Demand thread, herb (shakes head.)
  7. Couldnt burn. I will though. Hopefully I will be on Ubuntu soon. For now everything is saving to the usb, and running the os off the 64 studio cd. Is there any sort of torrent acq app I can use without much work?
  8. I've aqcuired an .iso, and now need to burn it........
  9. ^ Now the widnowz says it's counterfit. I'm running 64 studio off a cd. No flash player. Can someone point me towards a lunix distro that has flash installed, or is easy to install.
  10. where


    Did people in Florida or even the south feel this quake?
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