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Everything posted by !DoNkE*PuNchA!

  1. captcha watching me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont always drink but when i do................................. No really waking up in city and having the cute officer lady tell you "poor thing your eyes looks bad". And not to mention the obvious dry taser marks on your neck.
  2. Crazy I just got back from Denver not even a week ago! Anyone seen the new Batman?
  3. Oh you cray' nurga.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. And living in Texas pisses me off with the stigma attached to "Texas chainsaw massacre". Down here everyone fucking has some dumbass chickenfeed story/myth about the real killer/house. http://www.texasmonthly.com/2004-11-01/feature6.php I caught so much flack in Treatment when I read this article and went back to my dorm only to find it gone. A long and interesting read into a movie that created it's very own mythos and is still strongly believed to have actually have happened. Heres more on the other killer the film was based on..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_Wayne_Henley ..... I know Wiki but hey look into other sources for yourself. !ENJOY!
  5. Did anyone add "Critters" yet? I always think old vhs collections look kinda skecthy, like im going to find old dirty movies my dad watched. Kudos to you NOES, good movie collection. I to still have old horror tapes, I think I might go hit up my local flea market and look for the orignal "Faces of Death".
  6. There are no toys on the oontz'. So your rants are irrelevant. Rhyming for the hell of it. And fuck dish for getting rid of it. No really shit sucks! :(
  7. Statutory Rap................ with arrows and mad drips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O ------------->* $TVTUT0RY RVP *<---------------- !! ! ! ! ! !!
  8. Heres for all you trendy folks who even know who this artist is................
  9. Listening to this song....................... While posting pics, then this "captcha" appears.... Noonsense..
  10. A few more on the last page......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Change it up a lil' for substance!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Just got back from the mountains of Colorado. ............................... feels bad man!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Karmaloop nonsense. thats the picture........... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAZQkiXXqZE "Get the fuck out my couches.............. nigga"
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