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Everything posted by GraffLife25

  1. Waldo Skape Dark Mecro King
  2. GraffLife25


    Nike SBs and 6.0s are good imo
  3. Fuck..missed it...damn..thats one fuckin good deal...
  4. If you really like a name but its already taken, you could add numbers, and if that other writer isn't from your area, then it doesn't really matter...
  5. I always bring a knofe...never know what your gonna run into
  6. is it really that hard to hold a regular can of paint in your hoodie??
  7. GraffLife25


    one of the worst mistakes you can make is taggin in your school...
  8. usin these without a cap is like a miniature extinguisher...multi puporse!
  9. Love this fuckin DVD. Bought my copy from Jolt (does the gorilla character/his name in the movie) One of the best graff dvd's i've seen (out of the ones that don't do interviews, etc.)
  10. Theres always a motherfucker like that...fuckin hate the people who think theyre the shit and they know everything but they really don't
  11. Both ways are fun, but I find that goin out alone gives me some time to think, you know about life and shit...sounds kinda gay but i go into a state of mind when im out by myself thats fuckin unexplainable..i just relax and forget about all that shit in my life...but goin out with some real chill homies is fun as fuck too...but id rather be alone any day than have a shitty tagging partner
  12. Oh yeah, and fuckin tuesday nights are SILENT!! you could walk down a street thats fuckin busy during the day but at 2 in the mornin' theres 10 minute breaks in traffic..
  13. Anywhere is fun, but chill ass tunnels are always great...sit back, smoke a joint, take your time...only thing is if someone sees you theres no really easy way out..
  14. Hahah i had to buff my own shit as punishment...made sure it left a ghost tho ;)
  15. thanks...have been workin on bars and stuff with my letters...i guess practice makes perfect though!
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