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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. arms is dope, y'all crazy. that 1-800-ARMSTACO donate your kid billy was hilarious, Saw it in Weird NJ. the Thanks George Bush one was good too. speaking of Arms Billboards....
  2. Bump Rt. 10! Also feelin' Eureka. Post up some ISB TAF ICR MTK, DIRTK, anything AZ actually. Place is dope as fuck and totally slept on.
  3. oh, and bump that FROZEN YOGURT up there, that shit is BOSS.
  4. in all honesty, bad tattoos can help me separate the skanky broads from the classy ones. A terrible tribal tramp stamp is a seal of approval, and will save me lots of time and effort straight up wasted on sophisticated chicks. keep banging out those $20 tats, I'll be keeping an eye open for them at the bar. Cheers!
  5. stolen: what's the quote? Spanish since high school???
  6. someone get a better flick of this Brew? I'm done trying.
  7. Here we go... all flicks taken on the Peterman reality tour.
  8. that NSF WP car is phenomenal. NELSON MUNTZ!
  9. seen lots of Stie lately. Tip of the hat to ya. and Mr. Goze evvvvvvvvvveryyywhere. dude is on top right now.
  10. Dear slow drivers, Do you not see me tailgating you, flashing my high beams, or hear my constant horns? Are you completely oblivious? This means you take only 5 seconds to pull over, say "what is this guy's problem?" to yourself, and let me pass you for fuck's sake!!! I've got places to be, you obviously don't. -Sleaze.
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