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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. stolen. I've got nothing better to do on a saturday night.
  2. which makes me think, as i'm posting while on the toilet.... eat LESS cheesesteaks so i won't have any MORE of these really stinky shits. I bet the smell is gonna linger on my clothes now, fuck.
  3. What ever happened to SOE? Always really enjoyed his graffiti.
  4. I've seen one dude do this. Had his name with a one after it on a beanie, and a tshirt(that he wore at the same time)....it looked like he got it printed at that place in the mall that screens pictures of families with their kids or people and their dogs on a shirt. He was trying so hard to let the world know he was about that, when in reality he had only a very few hands and fills up for a brief period. I think I saw no more than 3 things total. Dude was trying to impress people who knew nothing about the culture and fool them into thinking he was hard.That was lame to the highest degree.
  5. people are cold, heartless fucks. it's sick. Bet they wouldn't be saying that if that was their son.
  6. Thanks dude, I appreciate that. I don't like every flick I take either, many are blurry from the motion. But I try to mix it up, flick what's out there. The good, the bad, the random...it's all part of the culture. There's a ton of varied stuff all over the place, lots of really funny graff too. like this: and what is this supposed to say??? sure a bunch of reposts. edit: i didn't mean to say all of those are funny, just the few funny ones.
  7. Willie Nelson is a living legend. Embarrassing that someone used his album as a coaster.
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