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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. numbers go for everyone. some joe base flix were posted recently and many of them were over the numbers. not knockin' the art, but it's not hard to leave the numbers alone. get your shit together people.
  2. he's still better than the jersey cro.
  3. Do the reality stars get to sleep with Brett Michaels? dude, shut it down.
  4. As I view this piece, my eyes are occasionally led over to the vanishing point on the left (in the distance), but keep coming back to the focal point around the butterflies. This movement happens largely because of the shadow that the rock casts in that direction. The blue of the sky and the orange of the rock are very intense and bright (highly saturated), and their opposition with each other also contributes to the back and forth motion of our eyes as we view the painting. If the blue color was not as saturated, more focus would be on the right side of the painting, it would have too much “weight,” and our eyes would linger there more. As a result, the painting’s composition would be less balanced. Also, because the butterflies appear to be abnormally large (in comparison to what we assume is a rock face or cliff), we do not have a concrete sense of scale or proportion. This creates an interesting sense of ambiguity, and as a viewer we’re not sure if in fact we are very small, or simply lying close to the ground, or if these are mutated giant butterflies next to a huge cliff. Who can be sure? There aren’t even any pebbles on the ground or other recognizable objects in the paintings to give us clues about scale. The bottom-most butterfly shadow (as well as the butterflies themselves, and the shadow cast by the rock) has a sort of glow around it caused by the lighter orange color surrounding it. This causes the shadow to further “emerge” from the surface it’s supposed to be cast on, making it appear more three-dimensional and adding focus to it. We know that actual, “real-life” shadows do not have this effect, and so it creates a surreal feeling
  5. "Hey Dee, What's your bean situation?" "When I get nervous, I eat cheese. A whole block of cheese?" dicktowel.com
  6. Mr. Goodman is definitely not a good man. in fact, you might say that he is a fucking cock-smuggling faggot to be more accurate.
  7. for the parrotheads... Met the dude for a brief second once when drunk. seemed like a stand up dude. His work definitely speaks for itself. accept no imitations.
  8. lol at that mene shit. totally took that home. those tits would make a perfect halfpipe for fingerboarding. Or hot dog buns for my weiner. and those chemz thows are the best.
  9. good flicks phoe. arms. werbo. phonoh. inkhead. lol@midget james brown.
  10. Say my name, say my name If no one is around you, say "baby I love you" If you ain't runnin' game Say my name, say my name You actin' kinda shady Ain't callin me baby Why the sudden change? Say my name, say my name If no one is around you, say "baby I love you" If you ain't runnin' game Say my name, say my name You actin' kinda shady Ain't callin me baby Better say my name
  11. obey is fucking gay. go print more t-shirts to sell at wal-mart and keep that nonsense off the streets.
  12. it's true...that meen "piece" does speak for itself.....hahaha.
  13. were the aids homies you were referring to the two gay guys on the blue moon cafe book cover?
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