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Everything posted by BROTHER ALI

  1. augor up in L.A.? i heard differently but, dont bash my comment this is what i heard im sure all yall know how muh gossip goes on
  2. wow ok that made u learn is pretty dope
  3. im doin free pretests and they are so fucking easy i still rememer the day i dropped out some bitch was tellin my mom how hard it was gnna be for me to do it blah blah blah blah fuck her this shit is easier than inserting a penis in a hookers pussy
  4. the outdoor krylon actually works pretty good and they have 2 or 3 nice colors although the tip is kinda gay its realy watevr i use anything i got
  5. yinz whats up with the letters? as in the letters to people
  6. o maannn my parents trip at the fact that im "going crazy" it kind of funny because all i realy do is smoke weed and draw on stuff but watever 18 is right around the corner=DDD
  7. clash of titans is not properly being handled because they are missing madd writers not hating just sayin
  8. dog if this is for best in the world there is madd writers missing from the list
  9. kickin it old school and gnna go with skeme
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