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Feed Yer Ego

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Everything posted by Feed Yer Ego

  1. some old dude was at the counter one night buying a 6pack. i was getting a 750ml of vodka and a 4loko. he talks about how he thought it was banned and looks at the can and arab cashier is like "that one can almost as much as booze as your whole 6pack" and i was like "man fuck you guys" put it back and just got a regular energy drink to chase the vodka with. faggots made me self-conscious
  2. negged for getting beat up by your girlfriend you weak ass bitch
  3. yeah i'd fuck some euro hookers, that's fashionable and shit if you do that shit in nevada tho you're just trashy and desperate
  4. word life. born in the wrong era oner. can't even shout at a bitch nowadays without her runnin and tellin everyone you're an abusive lunatic just for putting her in her place verbally.
  5. people still living like it's 2000 years ago ass people
  6. partying with under 18 is still sketch if you're an adult. even under 21 depending on how old you are.
  7. oh dude i said the exact same things while issueing props.
  8. i look like i'm 19 and i'm real pretty so i get away with a lot i should really push it to the limit while i still can and then chill out when im done with school
  9. i haven't had a car in like 4 years or so. i like to go into 7-11 drunk and put inappropriate shit in the microwave slurpees are hella funny. when cashier starts tripping i'm just like "what? that shit was ice cold. it's winter. i can't fucking drink it like that" last summer this girl i didn't much like took me out to a show, bought me a bottle and took me home to her place after. gave me bus money. then i still stole 60bux from her purse. i was tired of dicking girls for free i guess. i went back to school this semester. 26 year old freshmen. i did it just so i could keep being a kid + not have a job, but have a legit excuse for being unemployed i worry often that i may never be really good at breakdancing ever again and that saddens me more than 99% of my "real problems"
  10. this happens to me just drinking i've woken up with blood on my clothes like "who's fucking blood is this" then call people and ask them if i got hurt or beat someone up. one time i woke up with a black eye and a broken knuckle and everyone i called that i was partying with said they didnt recall any fights happening i broke a kid's nose last month. didn't remember. but he didn't remember much either so we're friends and he drank here last night . no homo. i don't think i'm an angry drunk, just a drunk ass drunk when i drink oh i have a 3 year old son and my parents don't even know
  11. shouldve just jacked him then bragged about it to your little sister IMO
  12. but srsly you go on and have a good one punch a penguin or whatever the fuck yall niggas do for fun there
  13. whoa that shit right there actually go pretty hard nh?
  14. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL that character is hilarious i'm bout to go paint retardo characters all day and night then again i haven't slept so again fuck this thread young nigga die before me anyways cuz i'm styling on you
  15. oh you only 20? you need 2 fake IDs 1 for bars 1 for HS you ain't a teenager and you ain't an adult fuck both sides of the fence and do lots of drugs that's what i did i didn't need the fake IDs tho i was raw man fuck your birthday you're 20 that birthday doesn't even matter why are you talking to me about this shit lil pseudo age ass bitch kiss my old balls no homo
  16. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station i say, fuck anyone who goes to a chill spot and just disses anything without dropping something over it i don't care if the spot is some epic abandonded subway tunnel or a normal old spot under a bridge or by some drainage shit or whatever and i don't care if the person getting dissed is the most cocksuckingest street art superstar faggot or total toy writer or mediocre kid or king or some retarded nigger on pcp with a missing finger just leaving some shitty half handstyle or splashing bucket paint on something is some wack shit it's like slashing your enemy's tires instead of fighting, except gayer
  17. i'm a dope house guest except for when i got hella hella usad when i got fucked over super terribly by a girl and my brother had to take me in and force feed me but i was still pretty funny and cracked hella great jokes to distract myself with his laughter
  18. lolllllllllllllllllllll rapdancing is good tho if you can't do that i'd suggest just dorking out on video games honestly tho, i'm not going to pretend to feel bad for someone getting paid 2k a month to chill with his g-pa
  20. germany is dope if you like beer, porn and 4element hiphop shit...well then it kinda pwnz usa all day
  21. no offense bruh, but if you're smoking schwag in 2010 you need a life coach imo
  22. my girl is always trying to think she can drink more than i can like we'll crush a handle and then she thinks i was way more faded just cuz we end up somewhere i don't wanna be so i start shit with idiots and get 86'd for lulz... and sommmmetiiiimes i tend to time travel a lot. think i'ma challenge my bitch to a 4loko crushin contest to settle it pretty sure i'll win easy. used to use joose as a chaser on the regs will post results/summary/police report st0ol br0ry c0
  23. you deffo shoulda fucked her butt and peed in her hair area
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