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Feed Yer Ego

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Everything posted by Feed Yer Ego

  1. Re: Burger King SUCKS, as if we didn't know.. yo fuck that shit the chicken pattie is paper thin and yet them shits still have 30grams of fat? something is hella wrong with that shit
  2. now i'm boycotting that stupid social networking movie extra hard n/h
  3. goddamnit facebook is being overly glitchy or won't connect right now and there's some important fb shit going on (lulz, but srs)
  4. myspace got me a grip of good pussy facebook is starting to, now that i've started to get the hang of it when i was on house arrest it was one of my few connects to the outside world but facebook is a fucking snitch. even if you super max your privacy settings you can still get caught up
  5. i had to start taking anger management classes cuz i was always private message beefing too hard n/h
  6. yeah i'm sure if that happened to me my phone would blow up with a bunch of umads
  7. a couple years back my little sister would forever be saying nigger and it rubbed off at the time about half of my friends were black and that shit sucked bad answer the phone like "sup nigger"....oops driving in the car "USE YOUR BLINKER YOU WHITE NIGGER BITCH LADY" oooops...but lulz
  8. man, i never gave anyone permission to start a whole new thread based off quoting me eat a dick OP
  9. thread's falling off, needs more racism
  10. all i have is fucking textbooks and notebooks fuck!
  11. choke out all girlfriends regardless of situation
  12. they should all be very ashamed making a big stupid scene and reinforcing every negative stereotype about gay people i remember this time in HS my gay homie tricked me into thinking he didn't know shit about fighting and was like "teach me how to throw a punch" and i was like..."well lemme see how you hit now?" and he threw this sloppy super soft bullshit so i explained the fucking mechanics of rocking someone proper or what have you then he says "OH LIKE THIS?" and blasted my arm so hard i almost fell over. shit mega bruised for a week
  13. haha real shit i want gang land to do a multi-episode special on homothugs and cholojotos nh
  14. i've probably already cool story bro'd this on the oontz but my homie is a quad amptutee got all his jawnz chopped off but he still has a hot GF...and i can't help but wonder how he be smashin' BIG NO HOMO also, he still pwns shit on xbox...i don't really understand how...like i get down on the sticks at his crib n/h but i don't be staring at him while he plays and shit anddd i've gotten messages from him on facebook about parties and bbqs and i have NO fucking clue how he types on a keyboard but he was a kung-fu instructor before the shit went down, so i guess he's kinda ninja with his nubs
  15. @_@ :edit: i'd probably rather have stumps then those nasty little baby hands coming out of my shoulders
  16. faggots in graff'n'dance rap letter clothes is probably the reason i do retarded abstract pieces and catch tags in normal shitty handwriting don't want my work to look like some e-tard raver's corny ass shirt or jamal's ugly shoes
  17. you lost a tictac for making me remember that video
  18. i found a dead bitch in the woods and just fapped to that
  19. REALLY? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: there's a difference between freedom of speech and harassment when you blow up someone's "personal" shit and resort to name calling...it's harassment... if you do it via someone's work contact and their employer happens to be the US of A then it's called harassing a government official and it is kinda serious biz i almost caught a pretty hefty case for just for umad texting some stupid low level government desk jockey shmuck who probably makes even less money than me
  20. the fuck kinda country would we be if we let pastey little dicknosed drunk teen faggot harry potter british kids try to punk our president in some private message beef? and i mean come on leave obama alone most niggers can't even read, but this monkey motherfucker somehow graduated from harvard and went on to become the fucking boss of the world
  21. shit's like WAR4, but with brits instead of mexis and scripted dialogue instead of graffiti REALSICKBRO coming to a netflix near you
  22. kevin federline stars in british version of menace II society? geezers try to base a reality tv show on the movie Green Street Hooligans? the fuck outta here shit is jokes some of yous guys is jokers
  23. im currently hitting 7miles in 80 minutes on the treadmill this is just from a summer's worth of running and honestly i speedwalk a lot of it i was thinking of doing my first marathon next month. i think it's 13 miles. i don't go out and jog much cuz running on hard asphalt is going to be way harder on my knees and i've had pretty bad injuries in both, left one pretty recently.
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