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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. I’m really disappointed that you think I really do not know what a blue waffle is I serve em up the third Saturday of every other month
  2. my nickname from childhood
  3. this makes a lot of sense and I didn’t take it into consideration.
  4. Someone explain this to me. So, “(insert major city) opens. Cases go up (###) in 24 hrs” is a headline I see often. Now I’m just thinkin out loud- How many days does it take for symptoms to show? How many tests are available immediately? How quickly are test results coming back? Hear me out-how does the number increase dramatically in 24 hours if it takes 2-14 days for symptoms to show and (if your city has tests available for you) results can take a few hours-few weeks. Now what I’m getting at is Las Vegas opened and reported a dramatic increase of numbers in 24 hours. So what you’re trying to tell me is-that ### people had immediate symptoms, were able to get to a dr, get seen and tested and have results back OVERNIGHT ? this headline happened In a number of cities
  5. V true. 8 miles before 8 am this morning tpbm slept through neighborhood fireworks last night
  6. On it, boss! how much do you think one would pay for such an item? I mean-I know how much one can sell socks for but....
  7. I’m surprised companies haven’t started marketing custom masks. Like-for big noses, ‘round’ (fat) faces, maybe the shape of a face, (Strawberry shaped, big jaw...) low ears, high ears...your season? Haha masks that are treated with some aromatherapy type shit. or something to ‘help deminish the appearance of lines and wrinkles’ also marketing ads on masks. Pay people to wear their brand. (idiocracy) or even child sized gloves. or monthly subscriptions to gloves, masks, sanitizer.
  8. pulling stills from video I had-thats why these are clipped nasty at the bottom
  9. Wish doesn’t know what I’m up to so it just threw a bunch of random shit at me. we’ll call it a party pack
  10. @glorydays Is that your version of an eggplant emoji?
  11. Hey, thanks @nicklesndimes
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