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Everything posted by troubador406

  1. I don't think you get the point
  2. cosign on the guy who said he uses nightvision goggles.. also rope with a hook connected to it is good. hardly ever get seen with these 2 and a black onesie
  3. tampa pro comp early march, be there or be trianglular
  4. carry etch for PROTECTION
  5. why someone coverin you for a dumpster, you got eyes boy... shouldnt be running from mothers anyways, that shits soft. I woulda just kept walkin casually or asked her for a beej .man, it gets lonely on the streets
  6. damn db, pass whatever youre blazin on this way
  7. anyone notice an influx of military automobiles coming down the line lately?
  8. instead of a brick i had to improvise and use my rail to hold em down. is this ready to be put in a mop it looks like ink?
  9. just did it with the canopener, worked like a charm, got me a shitload of montana chrome paint
  10. I guess silver is before my time, havnt seen it in the store
  11. thanks all, tryin that shit tomorrow when i can get some new cardboard a.k.a lab carpet
  12. put the spray paint in a bottle? Is there a step missing ther?
  13. I dont care if people see me, its not me they see
  14. how do you turn spray paint into a mopworthy mix?
  15. ill sow your asshole shut, and keep feedin ya, and feedin ya, and feedin ya
  16. Yea that seems to be the train of thought since zeitgeist... idk though, ima keep my ears and eyes open
  17. I wasnt being sarcastic, but there go your props... I just shit on them
  18. thanks, I never wouldve figured that out on my own
  19. how do the workers get in there, find that out, and make a plan, u askin for sketchy shit here thats why youre not getting a strait answer. I know people who can jimmy any case open, how u think mfkas steal cologne and shit - use your criminal mind fool
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