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sausage party

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Everything posted by sausage party

  1. is it bad to not give one fuck about whether or not lebron james ever gets a ring or not? i think hes cool, i mean, i guess. he does do the thing. kinda cool...i guess..
  2. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD what is the first one of yours from emook? shit looks brutal.
  3. you got it all wrong he was a dope artist, in the genre of scum fuck punk grimy shit. he was the best. i look back at him and think what a fucked up individual and look what he did with it instead of kill a bunch of people or something. what his essence is is that he DIDNT give a fuck! how could someone who doesnt give one bit of shit make so many people have his tattoos and listen to his music?
  4. who the fuck cares if some busted pornstar with fucked up ass tits is banging trannys? there numbers of girls exactly like that bitch are uncountable. get some friends, get a job, get a girlfriend/boyfriend to make you stop looking at tranny videos.
  5. This is a gem i found through one of my friends thats really into math rock. they broke up in 2005 and were/are still relatively unknown. get your math rock hipster points from one of the best to do it! two of my favorites by them: if you dig "math rock" youll either love the shit out of this or have already heard them because youre so fucking hip. suck my ass.
  6. never really had surgery but i am going to outpatient surgery in the next couple of months to get a ganglian cyst removed from my wrist. it will hurt and be gross because i have to be awake. cool cyst bro
  7. just found out i dont have chlamydia, if i did i imagine my dick would be burning about as much as yers right now.
  8. i smoke chewy like a mothafuckin nut, you got a grab back get the zags and roll 'er up...
  9. nice hat with sketchy fanny pack doesnt look quite right. also, that random japanese hipster better hope the police dont have what hes holding in his right hand. look at that shitty ass sheild he has! its like mesh plastic or some shits
  10. jesus. those two guys on the top of the page are just brutal. where do you find that shit?
  11. yeahh!!! whens the fight? ill get the first flight to Milwaukee for the guy who was so friends with nace.
  12. Re: Fuck Papa Johns. fucking poppa johns is the worst shit. literally shit on pizza. poopa johns.
  13. thank you meatloaf, you get a prop.
  14. i was walking home frm a party one time almost black out and had to shit. it was about 3 am and i was pretty alone at this point so i just took a shit on someones doorstep. real quick, in n' out. done. i walked off like nothing had happened.
  15. my feelins are hurt now i gotta go cry to my e-friends. shit i dont have any.
  16. i have thought that i had this for a while now. sometimes i cant sleep and i feel like i have to stretch my legs or else this numbing dull pain in my legs wont go away or let me sleep. its weird and it sucks, hope i dont have RLS.
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