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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. Re: random thoughts young morpheus behind that pineapple head
  2. Re: random thoughts may or may not have been filling a pocket in a bag with as many fat caps as it could hold & this kid, whose former roommate i may or may not have known shows up. after exchanging pleasantries, hes like, "cool, cool, im just here to buy some krink"
  3. Re: random thoughts a guy ferrari
  4. Re: random thoughts some of the best shit at the ontario science centre as a yout (mad field trips) was throwing pitches in that regulation-sized cage that displayed your speed. nobody was ever good, but you had to be better than the last kid or it was just embarrassing
  5. Re: random thoughts having to use a typewriter probably sucked back in the day. im sure they got used to it, but how many times did someone fuck up the last line? same with those medieval books. maybe people just focused better back in those days - less distractions
  6. Re: random thoughts jokes. bet people have ripped their assholes like that before, probably on a really solid, almost constipated one
  7. Re: random thoughts lol tru. think kid was supposed to be one of the cool kids or something, so it was implied
  8. Re: random thoughts dogs piss, shit, & fart like everyone else. when you fart in front of said dogs, do they immediately know what youve done? they must look at this dog. couldnt one just teach this dog more words? because hes already smarter than a baby for sure & remembers all his shit. it would just be a few more words, than one would be able to read a childrens book to him. hed just be sitting there, associating all those easy words with their meanings in his head as you read real slowly to him. thats wild
  9. i cant believe youre eating goomy worms
  10. Re: random thoughts fucking bug season
  11. twas mad hot outside yesterdee; summers definitely here
  12. Re: random thoughts dave navarro looks like a centaur
  13. Re: random thoughts what if we lived in a society in which a regularly practiced rite of passage for parents was to save the umbilical cord for the purpose of incorporating it into a belt/tool of sorts, then present it to their child at a certain stage in life? has that never happened anywhere in the history of the universe?
  14. he was. this pictures so good lol It was amazing. And the Brick Squad Monopoly gang (including Wooh Da Kid, Kayo Redd, Haitian Fresh, Sugar Shane, and more) burned up the stage.
  15. Re: random thoughts one of the few summers i was sent to some stupidass bible camp, there was a trampoline. all these kids would be piled inside, singing acoustic songs about jeebus, & id just chill, trampolining. the point is, this other kid had braces & hit his mouth on the side rail. it was a mess - dumbass kid got blood all over the only good thing there. jk, thats horrible. even though its true & did consequently suck
  16. Re: random thoughts its definitely gimmicky.. but if i was stupid rich like that mega video guy, probably would buy a slamball court, just for shits & giggles. or just trampoline world. guess thatd just be a regular basketball court in said world. also would get a giant chess board with real people, like mr burns :lol:
  17. slices at the top look good dominoes here dont have red onions. everywhere else does, though. one time we were coming down from mushrooms, waiting for our shit at a dominoes. some next dude orders a veg only pizza & the cashier glances at us sideways & says to dude, "oh, ok - no meat. youre proper, eh?". it did not taste as good because he mushroom guilt-tripped me this mad me laugh. pizza science = mad serious biz
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