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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. the first ones just some cracker app with sushi stuff on it.. not pizza, but if thats how were gonna look at it, chocolate pizzas wouldnt count either, i guess.. because of its ingredients, despite how its layered like a pizza & all. idk
  2. Re: random thoughts ever drank the bottom of a plastic water bottle & thought it tasted fuckin wrong?
  3. Re: random thoughts the star wars battlefront games - theyre seriously the shit. you can fly x-wings & shit in some of the levels too
  4. Re: random thoughts dao buys one of those toilets & goes like, "wheres the butt finger option?"
  5. Re: random thoughts guess that is true; madtv is noticeably more juvenile
  6. nuts b nutty /nn. teachers b betting money & shit never had a fight pit at school. whatever thats actually for
  7. :eek: :cool: sort of know what you mean about that shit, they made me square dance with the whole class in grade school for a couple years.. not like every full gym class for said years, but partially, per semester. not like i remember any of it, but yeah fucking square dancing hahaha. he was funny in old school, but thats one of the few movies where all those posse fucks are actually funny in. not gonna disagree with what stewie said at the end there all my gym teachers were pretty laid back. except this one lame piece of shit. the only reason i call him a piece of shit is that he cheated on his wife (who was preggo at the time) with another teacher in the school. bitch was hideous too, just like her personality. then dude tried to take a moral highground against me/teach me some skewed lesson by having me stand outside one of his full classes for like 3 days, yelling at me in front of his other students in the beginning of said classes, then leaving me there to "reflect". my teacher agreed to it too, without even knowing the full story. retard which was just that his cow-licked faggot was giving me shit for no reason (one of his students), so me & my high school friend (this may or may not have been in grade seven or eight) caught him slipping after school, threw him on the ground, then beat him down.. not even for like 10 seconds. of course, kid snitches the next day. in retrospect, should have just handled that alone, but you know - how when youre a kid & your older friend offering to basically beat a kids head in for you sounded like a pretty good deal same teacher also taught history, but only because he had to. you could really tell that this adult idiot was fully just spewing loose translations of whatever he read the night before, between hockey game commercials. retard #2
  8. tru. they have chocolate pizzas.. gross dessert shit, but its bound to taste better than those abominations cant believe some asshole made those & felt good about themselves :lol:
  9. theres actually no toenails in the cake, you guys. just because theres toenails across the icing, spread throughout the mix, & its called a toenail cake, it doesnt mean you have to jump to conclusions
  10. missed out on said bounces for sure. over here, we just had balls bouncing in the middle /nh like popcorn, or the teacher would tell everyone to lift the parachute, go under, & quickly bring it back down once inside, effectively making a hut of some sorts for about 10-15 seconds. an overtly pussified game haha. guess shit was only fun because parachute days were rare.. still better than soccer & shit just liked dodgeball since day one, idk. vince vaughn ruined it, but yeah genuinely laughed at the echo & the instabortion part. an additional app for instagram - the instabortion. available at h&m imagine some intense gym teacher, just renaming dodgeball to "life" :lol: "sir, my ear is bleeding profusely." "thats life, son" slaps his own knee & just leaves
  11. another thing i liked about all those little games with the boards & the red rubber balls - different teachers had their own games & shit.. twas one of the rare times they got to really decide anything/stir up creativity, & it usually turned out ok different versions of dodgeball too, kings cross or whatever
  12. they never had ropes in any of the schools i went to.. always just assumed it was a tv thing. who here had ropes at school? that shits cool. cool school, bruhs had to look up what egyptian ratscrew was, never heard of that or the games boats mentioned four-square was always fun as fuck.. if my friends agreed to getting ripped & playing that again, id be down
  13. word, though i sorta fucked that post up
  14. tru. went through a lot of sleeping pills in high school.. i guess being tired during the day is better than not being able to sleep at all, but it still undoubtedly sucks
  15. sall good lol. mad times, i forget/say fuckit to a food flick. cant remember the last time i had a garlic crust, but theyre good if any of you market research fucks are creeping in on this thread (as a few probably are), i propose a stuffed cheese garlic crust. there ya go, i just made you millions of dollars. or if a mom & pops shop wants to get on that, thats cool too. better, actually
  16. we never had those giant rubber balls, but parachute days were fun too. except that was way more of a communal, help hold this part of the parachute thing. nothing wrong with that, but those wheelie boards are basically crude skateboards & anytime they were allowed, people just went all out on them. one of those rare candy days that gym didnt suck.. dodgeball days gets another honorable mention too
  17. Re: random thoughts never read that book/saw that movie.. i know, its a big movie & shit, but just never really bothered. looked up the jist of it now & it seemed pretty awesome.. may or may not get around to that later mad zines were funny back in the day too. never got that into them, but would occasionally browse & laugh. idk if theyre associated with mad tv, but yeah
  18. dang ol hut. yeah, they fuck up enough. remember this one time going there as a kid & getting the stuffed cheese crust & there was barely any cheese in it - shit was weak. really did enjoy their greasyass hawaiian pizzas back in the day, though. along with the refills in the huge cups free dominoes is always good. looks like theres a peperoni missing lol. that moment where you cant not pick & eat a single peperoni on the way back. tis a real thing
  19. Re: random thoughts the good ol days when mad tv didnt suck.. never really got into snl for some reason. never hated it, but never liked it either
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