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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. all energy drinks tastes gross, like watered down batteries
  2. Re: random thoughts disney yeah, theres mad familiar faces throughout different parts of downtown. not that i know them, but some characters, man. sad life shit
  3. Re: random thoughts imagine some kid, chopping up lines with said karate chop action you find your buzz? bout the tinkerbell thing, may or may not have watched it again. last time was like 10 years ago or some shit (not even sure) & never realized she was such a jealous, thirsty hoe
  4. Re: random thoughts dont have an account, so cant watch that.. fking youtubes so gay
  5. jason stathams manager to him - you wanna branch out, huh? ok, how about this punching bag right here? or you can punch anything you want
  6. though its the same for their other meats, i just wouldnt do thawed out scrambled eggs out of a bag.. actually does kind of look good, though. maybe a breakfast pizza with cheddar, bacon, eggs, & sausage.. damn
  7. false, but nice signature tpbm would portal their dick
  8. Re: random thoughts 12 hours later
  9. theres one papa johns here.. just one rare pokemon. tried it & it was alright, even though it was just a slice
  10. Re: random thoughts sell logs of shit at the farmers market by calling it compost jam ignore that. who needs compost jam, though?
  11. Re: random thoughts lately, theres been a lot of homeless dudes telling jokes before asking for any spare change, walking around style.. even begging has its trends, apart from redundant signs
  12. Re: random thoughts is english the fluoride of language?
  13. "put clear skateboard grip tape over your license plate people will be able to read it easily, but cameras that flash will get a bright blur"
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