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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. cutting stupidfalsefriendswithnomutualrespect out of my life. feels so good, brah buncha fake bitches
  2. tru. more of those than not are on the side of "would try" a fish sandwich
  3. 111111111x111111111=12345678987654321 from that link
  4. Re: random thoughts when you see an old name you remember thats logged in & lurking, you cant help but wonder how their lifes been
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing,_Arizona
  6. false tpbm gets their melons & lubes at separate stores
  7. Re: random thoughts for whatever reason, that movie never came across my life. that trailer.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_based_on_video_games theyre making metal gear solid & shadow of the colossus.. even though theyll be nowhere near as how good the games are (apples & orange peels), still sorta stoked
  8. the "you beaut" sounds pretty good its not your fault, schnitz somebody call that place
  9. Re: random thoughts word, radioheads still decent. listened to em a lot in highschool old stuff, imean. havent been following up on them or dont know what any of their new shit sounds like. idk
  10. Re: random thoughts pretty much the same. played the side-scroller a lot on snes at a friends house & shit, but wasnt all that into the actual toon. osoironically, was into it for about a season when they played this live-action tmnt series on ytv (kids channel).. looking back on it, shit was corny as fuh & those turtles also looked abomination status
  11. checked the fridge again & food has not magically appeared
  12. was walking & saw a hat on a bus post. i like shit like that
  13. Re: random thoughts what if someone slayed the ninja turtles, then strutted around with all four of their dumbass masks that are only cool on raccoons? b badass
  14. Re: random thoughts that would work. builds suspense without trying to be all loud. come out dancing & shit hmm, idk.. maybe come out of the ships fog, moving extra slow/acting all wavy & shit, just to fuck with them peep this misfortune apparently, theres like 16 songs for pokemon now.. not cool
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