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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. Re: random thoughts man, forgot like 80% of the episodes contents.. am i ashamed? yes. certain episodes stick out in my mind because they showed new types of pokemon (the psychic ones, gyarados, etc). remember in the psychic ones, there was a disturbed girl with powers, ripping apart spoons & shit.. thought that was badass ok, lets say you went back in time with a bigass speaker system & some tunes. maybe a space ship too, because theyd take you way more seriously. youre basically appearing in an exotic, marble, gold-draped room, partway through . what song would announce your entrance, as you rudely interrupted them by ripping through the space-time-continuum? theres a thread similar to this, but it was just about entering a club
  2. we should just show up in a time machine with electric guitars & watch them bow. or rock band
  3. the hunger games lol. i feel that, though. when youre that famished, its hard to take any bite for granted used to love taking two slices & eating it as a greasy sandwich.. havent dont that in years, dont know why
  4. Re: random thoughts jokes maybeRIP only thing in the show that bothered me morally.. at the end of the day, shit just aint right- no matter how cool they are regarding the horrible new names, will take your word for it. buncha good-for-nothing, novelty pokemon.. the 150 OGs b ashamed yeah, that was retarded.. & still is, because im sure theyll make more
  5. who named that place, some ol molesto? dimos pizza eh. would try some of that.. why not
  6. false - twas a pancake penis, but tis not much better tpbm brbs
  7. people who scream when the teacher turns off the lights
  8. Re: random thoughts charmander char
  9. false tpbm would go to divinity school, become a top student, earn the right to have the little collar, get on the podium at the graduation ceremony, then start urinating into the crowd
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