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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. leefuk.. skated all day & went for a longass walk wearing shoes with no support.. legs b ded showered & now im tired.. definitely gonna sleep well just not too well, hopefully :skull:
  2. false. wingardium leviosa tpbm got kicked out of hogwarts
  3. have had a pony step on my foot at camp for a split second. shit hurt.. equestrianism be damned
  4. if thats rare, ill give you a half-eaten jawbreaker for it
  5. caressing the string bean. jk gonna go skate in a bit.. flopped on a dayspot :clown3:
  6. good logic, though - hated looking at it so much that he bumped the whole thing just to get a complaint across, while not posting anything himself
  7. sa good one. its jokes when hanks singing that song about bill, all drunk lurking threads & stealing flicks. done nao gonna nurse a cold glass of water & soon put on an episode myself
  8. true - their logo right over the third eye tpbm has a tattoo on their neck or face
  9. i walk to get pizza sometimes. thats kinda like lifting if im bringing back a pie with drinks. 3-4 arizonas can get heavy jk except they can :spent3:
  10. are your knees still fucked? or are they the bees knees now
  11. takeout indian food.. basmati rice with this spicy chicken dish, forgot the name
  12. true tpbm starts punching & ripping peoples hair out when their jokes arent appreciated
  13. false tpbm had a friend who was bragging about knowing some guy at the gym who does porn & said to him half-jokingly "oh. so youre scum by association?" false* never stomped anyone. too much yo, dont wanna give someone brain damage or anything like that
  14. mad humid earlier, which i guess brought this rain now sipping an arizona hanks cowboy movie
  15. nice extract (also mike judge) is another one thats recommendable. more recent, its the dad from arrested development. sorta different humour but its funny
  16. omelet ingredients via salad bar is a good one
  17. thirsty. soda. people want something cold if youve ever seen office space (directed by mike judge), the scrawny nerd who always listens to rap on full volume did witchards voice
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