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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. oh, that bastard watching the pimp episode lol doodlin
  2. ahh looks great just had some cheesy pasta w. tuna + chicken. sounds like a brokeass surf & turf but it was good having some watermelon cuts with syrup drizzle. very sweet. random summer dessert
  3. just steamed up 3 ears of corn.. melted a full cup.5 of butter & skimmed that as well time to dig in. ho yeah twas the nut before christmas
  4. troof.. tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt when its a pile of shit thats clear as day it is what it is. omg this tables a table
  5. so beauty & the beast basically taught the oldschool disney generation about bestiality
  6. yeah its kind of a dick move; sorta rude & negatively opportunistic. i suppose if the guy who started said darwin awards died by having boxes of his own books fall onto him, itd be kinda justified.. wouldnt exactly lose any sleep over it. rest assured, i wouldnt actually want to pay for a copy regarding that clusterfuck of a spill - was just cheesed. still meant what i said, though. idk man, you know how sometimes you realize its just not worth stressing yourself over & over for something that simply wouldnt happen if youd distance yourself from whatever in the first place? shits just not worth it anymore - tried to explain it mad times on multiple occasions, but i realize its just reoccurring horseshit; they dont/wont ever get it & have basically showed that they dont want to either. its hard arguing with stupid people who dont realize their stupid, but theyre as stubborn as i am, suppose.. so imma just not bother anymore & save myself the headache. kinda sucks, because the other guys are aite (still down to chill with them, though). the ones im referring to just make my blood boil sometimes & its not worth it. lordylord
  7. a lot, id imagine. itd be pretty awesome to have a book of peoples last words, like that death row final meal book also look up the darwin awards - its a book of people who died in stupid ways lol. sorta disrespectful, sorta funny. gets old kinda fast, though.. good for a skim feeling fully famished. alliteration
  8. false, havent seen it tpbm wants to play spin the choice
  9. you wake up in a dark hospital room, confused all is quiet upon clumsily finding the doorknob, you enter a dimly lit hallway only to discover there are no staff members to be found panic sets in you turn the corner & this thing rapes you in the ass the end
  10. i_r, i know you want this chair
  11. a water drop as it passes in front of a map
  12. its happened multiple times where i just kind of said "they are who they are & im not exactly easy to please" & tried to let it go, but no more.. been a long time coming, with a lot of yelling & forgiveness which has been discovered time & time again to have been handed out in vain - i simply dont care to make an effort in being crew anymore.. crews dont mean anything when people disappoint you left, right, & centre. im just tired of all the shit tired of people who claim to be down but cant act the part (other than fronting in vain..), which is about half of them. conceited, backpeddling, straightup no common sense stupid (to a level where i feel obligated to facepalm myself through glass everytime), & going down roads with highs i care little about partaking in. they were my brothers & have no doubt helped me out selflessly in times of need, but i cant let them run on those good intentions forever because almost everything afterwards has just been a colossal mountain of shit. it sucks, because theyre the realest friends ive ever had & ive literally cried in front of them without shame (eh.. maybe a little). friends like that are hard to come by in life but people change - whether its them, myself, or both.. seemingly both dudes who dont even have enough heart to rock anymore (let alone a dayspot), who think continuously riding on the glory of a few good things theyve done is acceptable.. & those who only want to ride the coattails of others & expect to be just taken to places without ever having to do their own homework. dudes who just hang out with dumb people with heads filled with only the next trend & get high on dumb shit while thinking theyve still got it allllll down in life & that its all gravy. if the ones im referring to read this, theyd probably roll their eyes right back & think towards me something similiar to what im about to say, but it must be so nice to have it all figured out :rolleyes:. cool, you got drunk & did some tags.. dont give a fuck. not impressed. not real the paramount irony of it all is that those i consider to have as much heart in whats good (actually, a lot more) are those of the "scene" here who dislike me & vice versa. lifes funny that way, as well as art
  13. still dont believe that sniffing those scented markers were anything less than detrimental.. but yeah, they smelled real nice
  14. always lubed it up for jerk-prepping as a yout these days, its mostly dry make sure youre using good lotion, though.. read the ingredients & all
  15. shat it out fine, though oh lol that spongebob well represents how i feel right now.. dumb drama last night bout to eat some pasta + chicken
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