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Everything posted by penmanship

  1. I've never noticed a difference between any Americans speech and mine other than the really obvious and known accents like down south, and boston and such. I'm Canadian and say about not aboot. Also, sucks for this dude.
  2. I think it looks really good. Humans being the assholes to the aliens is a pretty good plot I'd say.
  3. update as soon as I feel like skating there again. post them if you got them someone else.
  4. Biased in the kwest numbers because of the kwest thread. also his stuff is killer.
  5. also apparently I need to separate my photos so that my cheapness of having a free photo bucket doesn't go over my account bandwidth again. So my bad for not consolidating my photos anymore.
  6. I don't think that it's finished in any of mine, but I can post it as of a week ago.
  7. Anybody know a good site to upload larger pics? other than porn sites... Half assed attempt at photoshop. edit: click the pictures for larger sizes
  8. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD looks like he does, or maybe its goddamn internet trickery.
  9. http://www.gosexpod.com/movies/free--5753.html this seemed a fitting place for this. dumb blonde skanks painting.
  10. AC and Bacon tags KWEST and KANE tags
  11. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD leftover radiation from the big bang
  12. puts a lump in my throat seeing the trailer, reminiscing now...
  13. No way man, King, 100% King, schooling all these other pieces in here.
  14. so much real talk going on!
  15. up on Grouse Mountain there's some pretty good food and during and after the sunset the city looks pretty dope. My girlfriend definitely enjoys it when I take her up there, but it'll cost you to take the tram ride up. plus if you go there's a grizzly bear habitat that I get to construct and deconstruct every fucking spring/fall, and some crazy ass birds that almost smack you in the face at the bird show. kind of touristy, and you'll be a tourist. cool to see once. the Aquarium was the first place we went when I first got there.
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