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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear bags, A bunch of wasted rented out space that I didn't need. xoxoxanax please, sans odouls haha. how's life been for you? -seytalk ps: MILTON?
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear person who I stressed on for a while, I'm over you. Bye! -Ms.Firstname
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear abcs, MILTON? IS U TWEAKIN? -seyer
  4. False, I'm cool with some. The person below me has saved someone's life before.
  5. False The person below me is healthy.
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear SMXLXLXLXLXL, Personally I think it's worse when people lose faith in you. I say that, only because I easily lose faith in people. -seyer Dear life, You suck at the moment, just for now, but life is generally good. However, bad news is rarely ever good. I'm dealin with it. -self
  7. True. The person below me likes writing in cursive.
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear tea, I think I got an addiction problem with you now. I feel like a teaholic, but blue mountain coffee is also the shit. Green tea and corn tea, I love you both. hot drinks anonymous, seyer Dear Cali, The world needs more people like you. I hope you enjoyed the show, minus that mouth flappin bonehead. -seyseysey
  9. False. The person below me reads the newspaper.
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear finals, and this upcoming test I got in 2 minutes, You're gonna kick my ass. Have mercy on me, I'm not ready, even if I studied. RIP me
  11. True, I'm in the library right now haha The person below me hates the sound of velcro when they're in a silent environment.
  12. False, no yard. The person below me has a hard time saying "I love you."
  13. How about I give you my ex boyfriend's fitted instead of buying a new one? :lol:
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear chops, Will you also be visiting the bay? If so, we shall have food and drank as well. haha very creepy, moss soyor Dear Dose-ink, Happy Belated bday.:) -seyer Dear BBoat We should go and knock on each of their doors and have you show them how to play hockey with heart. hahahah -seylokk show them how to play
  15. True The person below me rather stays old than get younger.
  16. Sometimes true. The person below me did nothing today.
  17. Suki, I'll definitely get him a doggy cupcake for his birthday! :) Rolf, yes he is a staffy. Lol @ Fanny and Dustbin! They must be an ol dog couple now. What does Fanny mean out there doon the pub?
  18. They grow so fast. He's turning 2 this saturday. My mom entered Trigger in some contest for his birthday, If you're feelin generous, go to : http://www.banfield.net/birthday-gallery?page=2 Look for "Trigger Happy" and click favorite. Thanks:)
  19. a nerd is bored in the library cmon son
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear T4M, Maybe it's "I must be High" by SPM?? -seyer
  21. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear bboathoe, Bruins > Flyers arr day erry day. :lol: old i know -seylokk Dear me, Chyeeeah 2011 is the year. *graduation theme song* woot wooot -Mrs.Firstname Dear Suki and cos, The doc is in the house. :lol: -Dr.S
  22. At the library nodding off waiting for a class counseling appointment.
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