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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. eating pizza drinking a beer and listening to music while i try to ignore my dog as he is trying to get my attention to give him pizza
  2. also this goes against most of what I post, but no one got killed which wouldn't have been the case had the dude had a gun. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/10/us-usa-stabbing-texas-idUSBRE9380Y420130410
  3. running on coffee n whiskey noow hungery but fuckin cant be botherewed to cook 12oz Injury wants PAWG
  4. rarely wear caps and wouldnt wear a sports related one got this recently in the sale cheap
  5. false I nail that shit tpbm is quite frankly pissed out their skull
  6. not bad to be honest, some bits I dont like but at least not too wild and some structure to it, get in on the Peso battle, I am just drawing mine up now
  7. the NEK at the top in green, yes!! someone should resurrect the toy battles, best toys simple wins etc in other words keep doing simples
  8. Yea I don't see why the police need to be armed, you can have armed response units (like we have over here) but I definitely don't think every cop should be armed. But the culture is completely different here, most criminals aren't armed with guns so the police don't need to be.
  9. Home from work, watching Daily show, smoking a joint and about to draw up something for the battle thread
  10. There is nothing that can be done, you have too many guns that is the problem. If someone can buy a gun secondhand from someone or at a gunshow without full background checks being done then how do you know you aren't just handing guns over to criminals. It is like Walid said we live in a criminal world, just our countries aren't flooded with guns and whilst guns aren't the only issue that you have, it is a pretty fucking serious one. So Mr Incognito, if you don't think kids should be allowed to protect themselves then why aren't they covered under the 2nd amendment? Just playing devils advocate because obviously kids shouldn't be armed but then again neither should anyone.
  11. 3,13 and 14 seem like perfectly reasonable ideas
  12. haha wasn't tryin to destroy his confidence, just pointing out that simples are cool to do and if you do them and learn that structure you will progress and can then put your flair into them. If he doesn't believe me he can see back in 08 when I joined and in this thread I was doing simples n shit then
  13. Also the reason all those riots happened in the UK was because the police shot someone. Think his name was mark Duggan. The rioting then spread as people jumped on a bandwagon and decided to go wild and loot shite.
  14. It is completely unethical to lock away the mentally ill. It is a disease. They need care and help. If someone is judged to be a danger to themselves or others then yes they may need to be kept in a secure facility to get the help they need while protecting them and the public. If you wanna say lock up the mentally ill then why not llock up all black people? There is a lot of black gun crime so by your thinking we should just lock all them up too. Ridiculous using the mentally ill as a scapegoat.
  15. Cunt the police here do have guns and it made no difference. If citizens had been armed it would have been much worse. People would have just used the chaos to clear vendettas. The vast majority of the problems were looting in town centres. I don't see anyone wanting to defend big companies being looted. I don't agree that the only issue in this subject is mental health. It is more than that. Everyone tries to simplify it to one issue when it is the availability of guns the crap mental healthcare you have the fact that the vast majority look at their lives as having no chance to be successful. In America you glorify guns to a ridiculous extent. I think you could use this as a useful way to sort your country out. Let people keep their guns just raise taxes on ammo by 50% guns too. Clear your deficit. Maybe even fund some healthcare for everybody.
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