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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. I ain't gettin enough love, broken marriages suck haha sod the bands that deserve it!
  2. enjoying the last few months of my 20s roll on 30
  3. my son is only 3 but tries everything in his power to not go to bed. He says he is thirsty, that his tummy hurts that he is hungry and that he isnt tired or he wants to go to Nannys house. You name it he tries it. Generally though I lie on the sofa with him and let him lie on my chest til he passes out and then put him to bed. The best thing about little kids you can just wear them out and they pass out!!
  4. If my son bangs his head or something really hard then lavender oil for some reason hepls it not bruise too much!
  5. 12oz sex ed 101 nice post, glad it isn't any use to me tho!!
  6. I lurked for about 4 months but only because I didn't know anyone using 12oz and couldn't get an invite to join. Now I have membership I don't intend to lurk so much. Love the drama and comedy of ch0. this keeps me going through the day in work
  7. man, I'm just glad I haven't got pictures of some of the beasts I have fucked when too drunk. Puts me to shame thinking about it, one is much worse than anything seen in the thread and it is only due to the fact no one knows me that I will admit it here cos I have denied that shit my whole life, even managed to convince myself was a horrible bad dream shiver
  8. a couple of new ones crits more than welcome
  9. another one for cubic battle, dunno why I did it just liked the letters in cubic! dunno why my cam is taking shit pics all of a sudden crits or advice on fills would be greatly appreciated
  10. I think the N flows away from the piece too much, it should maybe be a little straighter in the legs
  11. I agree with Donald, Naris. They are both cool sketches but the N on the bottom one doesn't quite fit the other letters
  12. Nezmo, that shit is dope - definitely not toy
  13. yea Freak that is a nice piece, just tidy it up more and will look dope.
  14. my entry for Cubic battle. Just couldn't get a decent picture of it
  15. i like em man, nice to see my name in that roller style you have
  16. yea man I like your stuff, i like the hands too! I know most people won't like this and will say go simple but this was me bored in work and just sketching while people bitched at me on the phone and some random stuff I did before bed last night, I was shattered!
  17. here you go, hope you like. Props for sticking with the R then K man I couldn't handle that all the time!! didn't colour them because my colouring has been shit lately
  18. cheers man yea just as well they are cheapo markers, think that is also why they were bleeding so much but thanks for crits, should have left it like this really
  19. I like those they are nice man this is mine from work today, dunno what hapened with the colouring must have been real slow and heavy handed in work today crits always welcome
  20. yea man I will try an exchange with you. Just block letters?
  21. cheers man, i suppose you don't know how things will turn out til you do em!!
  22. yea my extensions are always shit, need more work on them, i just can't bridge that gap from simples to wildstyles and have been practising for bloody ages oh well, maybe I should focus on colour schemes
  23. only thing I lost were the police and I was happy as larry about that
  24. I vote for Neber on the Dozen battle
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