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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. dont close it we can still revive it. im gonna upload mad photos when i get home in a few weeks
  2. accidentally reformatted my memory card for my camera is that shit lost forever or can data recovery be an option?
  3. Re: Top 5 12ozers You Don't Like just some lame from texas that came in the san diego thread then proceded to talk shit about san diego
  4. Re: Bite my ankle with this big old potato. Hard. No habla espanol wild action excellent!!!!!!!!!!
  5. says she slept with 5 students amtrack?
  6. Re: Top 5 12ozers You Don't Like 1 illhackifyourwack 2 catinthehat uhh my mind is blank for anymore
  7. dear earl i worked at a burlingon in san diego. what a dump. racked an entire wardrobe though. -hungover creamypoatoe
  8. dear earl sounds like when i worked at burlington coat factory -cream
  9. dear germans what the hell was that guy thinking at the club tonight when he busted out the robot? i am white and cant dance but would never bust out the robot in a club. his girl wAS TOTALLY oops caps lock giving me the ´please resq me look´ ´ps gay dude´s goto the gay clubs its already a sausage fest as it is. yours truley drunken creamy potatoe
  10. author of a wrinkle in time if you havent read it peep it out rip
  11. damn grade 12 she sure as hell know what she wanted
  12. take a blanket and lay on the ground like a bum
  13. dear Frankfurt, why does this city suck so much? i walked around for like 4 hours today and didnt see one fucking record shop or even a damn grocery store to get some cheap booze. what the hell... signed you know who
  14. your supossed to diss the person above you fucking newbert ass wipe
  15. a bottle of water and half a bag of bbq potatoe chips poor man style:o
  16. i think thats why he said middle school /\
  17. yikes so hotness im outa town, how shit going back home the free ways still fairly clean like when i left
  18. look at the bottom of the page he is here right now haha
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