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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. Your boy hooked you up with like an $80 watch man! Gonna wear it regularly I hope. very dope. I like the orange. Mine has been getting a beating at work lately and still looks brand new. I think this may be the best watch I've ever owned. Worn it everyday since it arrived.
  2. my favorite one from you in a while bojangles
  3. Enjoying a flying dog raging bitch draft right now I like the flavor
  4. The old one get dissed? ....if that's the frwy I'm thinking it is.
  5. Laughlin,NV any good a dealer told me that town was a good time supwidit?
  6. from ralphys post- look at this guys sandals LMAO if someone asked you what a juggalo was and you showed them this pic, i think they would get what your talking about right away this just looks like a lost homeless man :lol: gypsies? and BLAM!! This guy is baked out of his mind shits had me rollin, some pretty good photography IMHO
  7. i like that better than your usual stuff. keep workin with the strait letters. $0.02
  8. ^ i shoulda thought about checking pawn shops so far i love my watch wear it at work and everywhere else shit gets banged around while turning wrenches and still looks new
  9. For me, Paris was like the Vegas strip at dark. My eyes were drawn in every direction at almost every second. A writers Disneyland. The only think I could even BARELY compare it to in graffiti is driving the freeways in L.A...You almost don't wanna look at one thing or in one direction for too long because you're afraid your gonna miss something else that is even greater. Something like that.... that feeling I'm trying to capture in words right now but can't.... just doesn't transfer over to photo or video.
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