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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ



    Enjoy the ride pimp @NightmareOnElmStreet saw CBD for sale at 7-11 today
  2. Is that story an example of “late stage capitalism”?
  3. Taking more sick days in 2020 turning 3 day weekends into 4 day weekends in 2020 not answering work calls/texts when I’m not on the clock in 2020 not keeping outlook open every second I’m at my desk in 2020
  4. That guys is never fucking again *** any well known SK from San Diego?
  5. I’m having a rough day today guys. moms been in the hospital since I took her to ER mid Nov and visiting the hospital day in and day out for this long is starting to wear on me been just kind of driving around the city aimlessly all day today. can’t be home because I’ve been getting this irritable cabin fever thing, but also have no where else in mind to go. Sitting in a bar by myself right now fookin aye
  6. A family put me on to this site for some cheap travel deals i will probably use this one for harsher trio I book in 20 https://www.travelpirates.com/ be warned - discount airfare isn’t always worth the savings. Comfort for multiple hours may be worth a few hundred more bucks. I’ve been burned before on a cross country red eye flight with Frontier that was pretty miserable.
  7. Read a few pages back in this thread. We went through his witnesses and such not that long ago.
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