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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. It's called untitled
  2. Damn Pet, good post, wish I went on a trip like that.
  3. Using a tripod is a must, shoot continuous high speed using bracketing (camera automatically takes pictures at a higher and lower exposures) Making sure each picture is lined up identically pixel by pixel is the most important thing, if it moves just a little between shots it will take a lot of work to re align each frame with the other. Photoshop works fine for it but there are fancier programs specializing in HDR out there. I've found that you don't need HDR if you take the photo correctly, getting the clouds and bright and dark areas in the shot all exposed correctly is much easier just doing longer exposures at the correct settings, having a good cmos sensor also helps this. The problem with HDR is that it is very hard to do correctly. An art form unto itself that requires skill and natural artistic talent. Learning how to do it should be secondary to actually developing photography skills. If you don't have the natural artistic talent for one, using the other as a crutch never works. You might impress some douche with a poorly shot image that is over edited but anyone with an eye will give it a "thats cool" at best and look away before they become a little worse off from seeing it. Honestly, most people who do HDR suck at it and the haters will write all HDR off because of that. All photography is basically cheating by using technology to create an image so saying all HDR is garbage is bullshit. I thought about doing HDR shots but decided to focus on just trying to learn how to use my camera better. Shooting photo's is much more fun than editing on a computer, taking your time and focusing for a long time on how to take a shot, checking composition, correct exposure and not just what your light meter says, adjusting white balance. It's more fulfilling.
  4. I'm thinking copping a brick in Canada is either way cheap or means something else.
  5. Mercer


    Sure looks like it. They're not usually super rainbow stylin or dropping loot for big endorsements deals, but they're really good shoes though. I don't own any but I don't think they're wak at all.
  6. :lol:I was just playing. My ex-Wifey dropped hers and I tried fixing it but the rings that extend the lens out and zoom got too bent to fix without having someone charge $$$ to replace it. We ended up getting it to work somehow after just turning it off and on a bunch of times. It started taking pictures again just as good but still sometimes gives the error. You probably just got sand inside the zoom things around the lens. Try holding it so its facing straight down and spraying it with a can of compressed air or keyboard cleaner as you zoom in and out and power off and on. You might be able to knock the sand out without taking it apart. I think the lens error is just because it has trouble extending the lens. Here's some pics: This is B&H headquarters^
  7. Mercer


    Just copped these, mad cheap, only $50
  8. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?!
  9. I'm still hard as nails though, this is how I'm livin:
  10. Wherever I'm at, the geek factor rises, after I'm done ruining that thread I'll hop in here for a minute.
  11. I'm still lurkin in this one though, some dope posts in here all week. Waiting on a Zeebratits post myself.
  12. Droppin flicks like crazy in untitled, Peep the photography thread:
  13. Post Moar, and besides those are bangers for sure. My favorite is the kid painting. I wish everyone bombarded this thread with photo's, especially good stuff.
  14. A few more recent shots: Believe it or not, the most dangerous job working for the city of NY is in sanitation, they get hit by cars trying to pass them in so called emergency's all the time. Even setting white balance to tungsten couldn't get the colors here. Just because. Not so rare in Brooklyn.
  15. Yea, I'm pretty good with going to Seoul, know some locals and I've been to Tokyo before. Narita was pretty far out of town, even on an express train it took forever but the rural scenery was pretty nice. My boy just moved Seoul and he's the type of dude that knows everyone immediately after moving somewhere. He stayed in NYC for a month and already knew more friends than me after a 2 weeks. Plus I met this really awesome model from there who apparently has the party skills. Anyone have suggestions of good non touristy places to shoot good photo's around town? I really know nothing about the sites there and just found that people generally all shoot the same few touristy places. I'll be hitting up my close "foody" friends that go there all the time to find the must see food spots so that is covered. My expectations of graffiti are low but I remember some alright stuff in Tokyo so I'm pretty sure there's a neighborhood there with some stuff.
  16. I like that line sketch Decy, hit a canvas and add some colors.
  17. I'll post 17 pics in here like an asshole in celebration of my recent computer meltdown. If you see someone from 12oz don't say their name or screename. If you do I'll post a picture of you beat the fuck down as soon as possible. Me at work, fixing an alarm system in an empty Staten Island museum. 30 second exposure, way too long, lost the shadows. A fellow photographer, on this night we both said fuck "real photography" We both want to get really good at taking "bad pictures". This was that night I was saying the sky was super dope. Cotton balls over Manhattan. Another angle, I took mad pics of the sky that night from the upper east side. We decided to make a 40 run while trying to fix my tower, old English is good for electronics. As soon as we stepped out the front door of my friends building I ran back up and grabbed the camera. Didn't even know how dope the sky was, at first I just noticed the light. These dudes were so official looking during the 4th of July fireworks show people were asking them for permission for everything. It was funny, they were greyhound busdrivers and mad cool, played along like they were the authority. One more firework shot, I said fuck it, shot everything with a tilt shift to keep the crowd in it. Not only was this the 4th of July, it was also a special celebration of NYC's 400th Bday. Macy's moved the show to the west side and literally millions of people showed up. Later that night, this is one of those famous photographers I was talking about. My boy is flying down to Miami tomorrow to assist them on another big shoot next week. Even later that night, after we stopped partying I just roamed around shooting solo for hours. Self portrait in Astoria, same shirt as the first pic I posted as well. The Triboro bridge right before sunset. I'm a huge fan of both these photographers, one of them has the same exact camera and lens that I took this with. Some really good friends on the edge of Brooklyn East NY at around 2 AM. If you look close you can read "The International Center for Photography" The shit inside is mad boring and pretentious, I never went inside. Some more really good friends at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. Mad generic son, I can do generic pretty well now. I do like getting generic though once in a while. Only in New York. The end.
  18. Didn't want to slow down the page too much, it's a link to the full sized animation (600px wide)
  19. Mercer


    Pronounced "Booze n Tits" ^^
  20. I'm Dropping a Casio Sketch by Sunday night
  21. ^Dude, whats up with all the trolling in here latley. I like it when people post actual photo's and noobz shouldn't get shot down like that. At least drop some advise or something specific, especially since you're into lighting. Them shots aren't exactly cover of Rolling Stone status but looks like you put actual effort into it. Keep posting in here thrash, plenty of room for band shots and some really good band photographers post here. The only one I think came out meh was the first one, too close to tell if he's actually playing. Also the expression on his face was kinda boring. Good job though on the rest though.
  22. I'm hitting Seoul this year, my boy just moved there so free place to crash.
  23. The best way to shoot canvases is by using an external flash and bouncing the light onto the canvas instead of letting the direct light from the flash hit it. If you are using a small point and shoot camera and have access to any version of photoshop you can take the picture using on camera flash. You need to take it at an angle, meaning if the camera was a mirror you shouldn't be able to see yourself in it, stand off to the side, then use photoshop to correct the perspective. Some of the glare will still show up, especially if it has a glossy finish but no big white blown out areas.
  24. Good posts on this page, keep them coming.
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