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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Girls are hard to understand, As men, we have trouble figuring them out. Read between the lines. For instance, when you're fucking, if a girl says she wants you to eat her pussy, It means she wants you to lick it, put down the knife and fork before it's too late. Or say your on the first date, things are going really well and you're back at your place. If she says "I'll do anything you want want me to" don't give her all your dirty clothes and some quarters for the laundry. Save that for the second or third date at least. Trust me on this one.
  2. You'd be surprised, I've got neighbors in my building who pay for garbage bags that barely fit in the shoot without wrestling it in there. Their kitchen always stinks like garbage.
  3. On that note never pay for garbage bags, use your old grocery bags and a smaller can, throw shit out daily.
  4. You can trust your fiend with your car and your life. Never trust them with your money or your wife.
  5. Never let police trick you into incriminating yourself, don't be combative/disrespectful but keep your mouth shut. If fessing up or cooperation will help your situation your lawyer would let you know later.
  6. Don't smoke weed out of anything metal, roll that shit up or just use glass and ceramic.
  7. If you like vagina, keep your fingernails trimmed and no hang nails.
  8. Keep money saved up no matter what, never live check to check. I know it sounds ridiculous but even if you ain't balling it is possible. Do whatever it takes to live within your means, more income or less spending.
  9. Disregard females, Acquire capitol.
  10. Mercer


    ^ $15 dollars an hour, Queens NY Way better looking than the design I had planned for one, not sure how fast or effective it is. Saving it for the next girl who deserves an awesome date, they even come with double beer holders.
  11. Now that this page has actual pics taken by the people who posted them....
  12. Or you could just use photobucket, not as social as flickr but much easier for image embedding.
  13. Theo, you can get a fixed focal length wide apeture pretty cheap, Nikon makes a F1.8 for around $100 . Most of my favorite pics are taken using lenses with no zoom.
  14. Hemmingway's trivia, they used to have 25 cent beer back in the day, no shit. We used to go there once a week or so. Slap $2 on the counter plus a dollar tip, grab 8 beers sticking all your fingers into the glasses and go pound them down. Repeat that process till you have a college girl ready, take her back to Chesterfield, or even the fly pad me and L had on Myran ave. and pound her down properly too. Fuck those flicks brought back the memories, keep posting in here. I've got so many old ass man stories about most of those spots that are so unbelievable I have to keep em to myself.
  15. Hell yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. My first one was the 18-35 well worth the extra $100 and it has macro which is handy. I have a very dark neutral density stuck on mine right now and it will not come off.
  17. That towel is shredded up from last season. I'd get all drunk and wip it around and eventually yellow lint would cover the living room pissing off the ex. Haha. It's mad outdated though, need one that reads 6 times champions now. I'm about to cop a led flat screen and cable to keep up with it this year.
  18. I got the nikkor 50mm f2.8, $120.00 and probably one of my favorite lenses. No tripod needed at iso 1600 and f1.8 plus the lens is so small it makes my camera look cheap to regular people.
  19. You underexposed your cock dude /no farmer
  20. Mercer


    Yea, should have posted that one in photography, dope.
  21. Yo that shit is funny, I'm going to cut that face out and paste it on his when I send him some of these. Who is that? I used a Nikon D700 with a 50mm f1.8 lens for all of those. Nikons best camera out IMO and probably thier cheapest lens.
  22. Hey, I know you got mad homo talk and all about meat and whatever but what the fuck did you think. Posting all that garbage in here, shitty cell phone pics and old google image search crap. Nobody supposed to say shit because of you 14year old wannabe gangsta faggot ass name. Stick with the toy sections where that teenage crap belongs or you might get your feeling hurt. It's not like we been building this thread for years with cool shit.
  23. Taking horrible pictures in the new cool shit. Got a phone call, friends all ready at Ramadan meal, had to run. This is what it looks like when I'm running. More running. Slowing down. Bareley running. Walking fast. Went to the Middle Eastern block, they have dope food there. I guess this was a Ramadan speacial, they cant eat during daylight so at sunset it's a feast. The restaurants run specials around here for it. These are my neighbors, they never hang out much anymore since they had a kid. They live one building over and we have mutual friends but I see them once a year now. They probably think I'd be a bad influence. More Ramadan Feasters. Some bombs and a ripped awning. Actually saw stars tonight. Back home, a little oontzing, some weed and a beer or two then it's back to the grind tomorrow.
  24. Stayed in Astoria today, helped some friends move. Boring day really. Riding a Mattress down some stairs while moving. After helping moving grabbed some food and drinks. These two were the ones moving out, they broke up because my boy was cheating too much. It's tuff not cheating in this city/neighborhood, the girls here are on point. When we roll out to shoot girls would come out of the woodworks everywhere. They love dudes with cameras, except the fat girls, they run away. Anyway he got a psycho Filipino hottie preggo, and now he's a dad, so his girl here of 6 years left him. Best burger I had in a while, the waiter only charged us for 5 burgers and we had six. Left him extra on the tip to cover it (/NH) just incase he realized later. If he didn't even realize at least were in good there ($30 tip) Peep dude blurred out in the background, he was checking out our wimmenz, wish I would have left him in focus too. Went back and grabbed the last pile of shit. Walked home, took some graffiti shots. Don't know this dude is but the name is pretty cool. I'm probably in the best neighborhood in New York for food. This is that burger place, 31st Ave. and 34th Street. The people who run it grew up in this neighborhood. Pretty rare since most people here aren't even from the states. Save me Jeebus. Step up your immigration status, shits mad expensive. I assumed that before the sign. Greek Getty Station. Almost home Clened up the crib, since wifey left this is my only bedroom furniture. Air mattress, the sign from 241st street platform, and a filing cabinet for paint that I hardly ever use anymore. We had a dope bedroom set but she snagged it when she moved out, left me the worst sheets we had too. OOntzING! Mirror pic. Whats in my fridge, bachelor style again. My newport corner near the fan. Rolling back out for Ramadan feast. The moon is out.
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