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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. They'll throw the California Condors into a turducken type meal, make sandwiches from the leftovers, profit.
  2. I don't know how many stamps to put on it, I still havn't forgotten. :lol: Yinzer still owes me some art, oontz niggas be lazy.
  3. 2:16 - view has been edited 2:18 - People working. 2:20 - People not working. 2:21 The end. Shot these all today at work.
  4. 10:50 AM - Sign language convo about littering as a guy stops an old lady from peeling snow peas and tossing the husks on the sidewalk. 10:51 AM - Another dude helps helps and they get rid of Grandma. 11:05 - I punched in at 8:00, got in late, and I still haven't worked yet. An extended morning coffee break shooting strangers from the whip in Little Italy. 11:08 - Reflections, weed, more coffee, and cigarette's. 11:09 - Someone actually working. 11:40 Took a look at what I'd been working on and said whats up, ya, get money. 12:43 Went up to roof of building, saw people working, but they were over there. 12:49 These people are getting paid, definitely not working though. 12:58 - Last rooftop shot, boss bleeps, said "are you busy" like it's a joke, told me to go to Little West 12th St. 01:26 Finishing off lunch and a sketch I started last night. 01:28 Started this last year, finished it yesterday. 02:04 - Drove to Little West 12th St. took pictures of street art. 2:04 - Hating on coats that hide booty. 2:05 - They're about to fall into a basement. 2:06 - Light bouncing off the windows across street. 2:06 - Madonna has a halo. 2:07 - Hipster selling art on street. 2:12 - Suits, ties, taxis, and stairs. 2:14 - If your high, check out the high line. 2:15 Walking up the stairs.
  5. I'm following Meks lead and rocking raw style and simpler for this one. I'm glad this thread is back on track, props to all you.
  6. Nice shutter speed in this one, the blurs move you around.
  7. I'm trying to get some takeout soon, Greek or Thai, meet up with a fiend and do some drugs then go take shitty photo's.
  8. Mercer


    :lol: posting up Bruno's kicks got dude banned.
  9. Fuck it, I havn't done one yet, I'll hit the next one. Some dope shit going on in here though, keep em coming.
  10. Looks like an amplified 4 way headphone jack. I keep saying having two jacks on an ipod would be dope.
  11. Yea, you and MN are killing it in here, that bug photo is dope and would make an awesome canvas print. It's been a week or two since I've taken a photo which is the longest I've gone in since 05 probably.
  12. I'd be more worried about getting shot, cops are trigger happy and just looking for an excuse. Good luck.
  13. Urine is free, and replicates Applejuice well, not sure about Canadian wiskey, unless were talking taste.
  14. Mercer


    No crucifixion, I made a thread about it in channel zero. Like these dudes above, have to scour the Internet for nike's because the store definitely don't have your size. For what, a pair of $75 kicks that cost $5 to make in a sweat shop that you have to pay $200 plus for because of a fake "shortage", fuck a nike.
  15. I shoot manual almost all the time, some of my lenses wont work properly with a meter either. Although I dislike commercial photo's and most photo's shot by industry people I'm really not all that bad at it: http://mercer2789.com
  16. No, I don't assist and don't know anything about lighting, or much about my own camera for that matter. I still cant use aperture control or full auto very well, besides, my goal is getting really good at taking shitty photo's. I was 3 blocks from city hall for that along with thousands of people who got blocked by police barricades. That is a really cool shot though, the parade should have started uptown somewhere down to city hall, not from battery park up, most of the people who came down for it missed it.
  17. Mercer


  18. Hopefully y'all wait till Friday, I got a gosh I need to put on paper.
  19. Nice^^, I trying to kill the next one, got that rust out, no excuses.
  20. From what I've seen and heard here in NYC, the degree itself don't mean much. However, the connections you'll make in college will definitely open more doors. Learning a broad range of shooting techniques is also key to finding work. Plus it helps to get professional advise from instructors on building a portfolio. Most people I know start as assistants, the ones in highest demand know their lighting. I know pro assistants that will make more in a year than some of the pro photographers they work for, no shit. Learning lighting is key to being in demand here in NYC at least, once you start working connections are made. from those connections you get more work and take it from there. If anything, at least try to master the in's and outs of professional lighting and knowing the equipment. Not just fashion photography either, interiors, still life or product photography, hot lights, strobes, everything. Thank god I have a good job because I don't know shit and would have to hire one of these guys myself if I landed a big job somehow. That just covers what I've seen in the photography industry here, fine art photography is an entirely different beast.
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