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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** I know where you gonna stop off at before you roll through then.
  2. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** I see how it is.
  3. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** A nigga wont even hook his boy up with a Diabolical CD but he's sending shit to the West Coast no problem.
  4. No real code, almost everyone I know on a professional or serious amateur level edits in one way or another, film and digital. The general Idea I've gathered and my own personal taste is that it should never look edited. Also the photo shouldn't be "fake" meaning the actual content itself can be edited to a degree, but adding in something that isn't originally in the photo and faking a good shot is frowned upon. There are a few famous examples of people editing together an awesome photo but being harshly discredited later. The main idea I think is to try and do as much as you can with the camera and as little on a computer. Not as some kind of "keeping it real" type deal, it's just funner actually taking photo's and improving than sitting on a computer polishing up turds. Plus the end results are always better that way, I saw a stylist get cut off from working with a photographer on a shoot once. She suggested instead of setting up the shot right that it could be easily edited later. While it was true and would have saved time, relying on editing later limits options. The general idea is to shoot the best possible image first and edit to perfection later if needed.
  5. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Yea, must be shot after the list comes out.
  6. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Had to bump it to the next page.
  7. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** That was so on point/awesome photo's, it just got me stoked. Holy shit that was dope, and bumpin PL9 on the earbuds FTW.
  8. Haha, didn't fall out the bagel. Bagels are still superior to all other forms of bread. Really digging the bundles of cardboard shot.
  9. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** 1 -- Broken 2 -- Reflection 3 -- Happy 4 -- Filth 5 -- Before & After (2 shots) 6 -- Repetition 7 -- Rust 8 -- Music 9 -- Refurbished 10 - Sport 11 - Motorized 12 - Drip(s) 13 - Irony - No set up Bonerus - Underground DUE DATE : May motherfucking 1st Just so it all fits in 1 screen cap on a phone.
  10. Even if the artwork was better, I bet she has some ugly ass kids anyway.
  11. Pocahontas has no hips but I'd still smash, I bet she got a Hank Hill ass under there.
  12. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Sounds good, people should throw lists/suggestions out. Again, make sure it's something everyone is able to understand and be able to find within a week no matter what kind of area they're in.
  13. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Serum, did you shoot these already and just need to develop/scan?
  14. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** So someone that contributed make a new list unless were actually going to waste time on jocking each other and voting. Try to make the list fairly easy to complete.
  15. Mercer


    There's only two outfits those would look good on:
  16. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** What is a "bro shot" and why isn't there a pause after that statement.
  17. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Go to the digital photo talk thread in untitled.
  18. Mercer


    My 3 year old niece would go apeshit over them my little pony colors.
  19. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** 01 Ancient - Super old Pepsi logo. 02 Smoke - Cigarette with steam background. 03 Someone Else Taking a Picture - Had tons of shots to choose from, went for this one though. 04 Symmetry - Not perfect symmetry, just trying to line up the camera nice, just a fraction off tilted to the right. 05 Green - Tree in Greenepoint Brooklyn. 06 Bad Graffiti - Sure as fuck ain't rap letters. 07 Church - Nice window 08 Your Poison - Yep 09 A Statue - Not my favorite one in the city but It was there. 10 Neon Lights - Inside Toys R Us at time square. 11 Map - Disappointed in this boring ass shot but oh well. 12 Heritage - 3 generations of MP3 players, 2 of them about to hit ebay. Bonus, your city - Not really the city I rep for but been here 5 years now, Caught this one tonight before coming home early because I though I felt the shits coming on. Bonus, Pervaction - Love Japanese girls for some reason /nohipster
  20. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Damn, how come this thread isn't bumped to no 1 and was half way down the page after some good posts.
  21. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Oh shit, city on smash came through with pics, nice.
  22. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** real nice!
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