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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Not sure if I've posted this on in here yet, I really dig this shot for some reason.
  2. Coming from someone who probably rocks a world famous fake MSKstralia style, too bad there's nothing you're good enough at to recommended sticking to.
  3. I was debating paying for it or not, I've bought too many skate videos iTunes lately though.
  4. Booze and Tits Debating if I should even check iTunes for it right this second.
  5. You might be content with low quality posts but I'm not, and I'm not talking about image quality, it's how you post. I get stoked when someone rips the thread and then it's back to shit, Speaking for myself and a few others it's why a lot of people won't even post in here as often anymore. Again, you can try and say all that "I can't afford a nice camera" shit all you want but you know that has nothing to do wit what I'm talking about. If you only got one or two photos to post at least swag it the fuck out like Boris. This shit is about documenting your day, where you went, what you did that day, telling a fucking story. This isn't a garbage dump for whatever bullshit is on your cell phone, there are other shitty threads for that and they suck. Just like before, motherfuckers don't wanna look "umad" so nobody says anything but when I finally say something the props and pm's start coming in. Apparently a few people agree but again, you look like an asshole sometimes when you tell the truth but somebody has to. I just don't see the point in me pretending like this thread hasn't started to fall off this last year.
  6. Bump ONE of y'all on this page at least. The homie t(0.o)> ripped this page and got followed by some of the wakest posts in day's in pies history. Why post a pervy picture of a no ass at all 14 year old from behind on here and be like "the end", she ain't got no end or ends in mi casa. Or did you mean "The End" like you just told an Amazing story about her training bra strap and her journey of becoming a full fledged woman in a single shitty cell phone pic? Same thing for the entire post of photobucket fail up there, Seriously, WTF is all that shit, did you not grow up the the internetz or something? Or did you take the day off on friday to go to photobucket headquarters and get great shots of their new fail banner all day long?
  7. Glad you're back and posting in here, Lucky Bastard, I regret not going to Panama even more now.
  8. I'll sum it up in two words, video capabilities.
  9. Nope, looks like a face off to me. Maybe he thought being in someones face didn't mean go time but he looks like he learned.
  10. You can always tell by the classic rusto and krylon colors. Fucking burner for sure, type of shit I used look up to, and still do.
  11. I like how he was stumbling and balled up his fist like "fuck this shit, I gotta get at least one shot in" Hahahaha Lights Out
  12. You geniuses misspelled hover twice in a row.
  13. Look at this motherfuckers haircut and tits talking about he's stylin. mad homo son, smash that bitch.
  14. She looks like that wrestler chick who had a giant clit.
  15. But she love you long time and let you take a picture of her poopin schfinckten, umad.
  16. I really enjoy these type of threads.
  17. There is a digital photography talk thread here in Untitled.
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