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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Does not compute. It's the most mass produced mayonaise out there. That's like someone saying they hate beer, but budwieser is the best thing ever poured into a cup.
  2. ^^^Digging the angle and composition but I think what i dig most is the semi candid feel it has. Having a flash might ruin that for me since I'd notice the flash and thus loose that candid feel as well. Although for the other 99% of people who aren't like me I agree a flash would help them out, I bet post could do that though. Candid from Thursday night, 4:30 AM on the E train:
  3. This thread is centered around putting thought and skill behind each shot and perfecting the craft of photography. Those shots were taken with one hand while steering with the other, and they're of something we've all driven past on the highway before. Not knocking you or anything, they're just not in line with what this thread is about really about. Had you got out of the car and really taken your time to carefully capture that emotion you witnessed first hand, we might feel it ourselves. Photography, or more specifically moving others with your photo's is a lot harder than it looks.
  4. There is also the negaprop option under props, it's results aren't as immediate but last much longer.
  5. Reading that New Deal reference makes me wish I could see that super tweaked Japan/Melon grab in their first video.
  6. Digging those pinhole shots. Normally I'll scroll past pinholes as fast as possible when I see them posted online. They're usually a student taking pinholes, just for the sake of taking a pinhole shot. It's refreshing to see someone put thought into composing them instead of just taking them. Digging the second and third ones along with the last two shots.
  7. Damn mang, I should have guessed that money was Canadian and not cracked that joke. We all know how sensitive you guys can be. I'm really sorry guys.
  8. After growing older and fatter he invented the word diabeetuss.
  9. Can't wait to see what you guys got, I'm still not done going through all mine.
  10. A few more from the same night:
  11. I almost really slowed down on shooting this winter/spring but this month I've taken more shots than in one month (barring time lapse) than ever. I've been mainly focused on time lapse here in NYC this month but because of travel and a renewed interest in photography in general I've been blasting away almost daily. From Yesterday:
  12. Killer zoo shots, really hard to pull off IMO.
  13. Fucking nice, didn't think they'd release more from him since they already dropped that Westgate feature a couple months back made from unreleased footage.
  14. I think they're dope, good set, keep em coming.
  15. This might be one of the best finds in this thread.
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