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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Thanks for quoting that 20 mb gigantic gif so it can slow this entire page down also :)
  2. From now on I will change the seat on any new used bikes.
  3. Hahaha, I wish Cope and Relm would peep this thread.
  4. Every flipped benz I've seen photo's or videos of the roof never caves in. Can't wait to see the filmshots of that.
  5. I'll prop you back as soon as it lets me. I neg so much it's like a reflex now.
  6. Fuck man, sorry, I meant to posi prop you, this shit was perfect timing. Can someone prop this guy back out of the red please.
  7. Fuck out of here with that spam bullshit.
  8. The wiki article doesn't refute what I'm saying here even slightly. The other article is written by someone with absolutely no medical understanding of how steroids work. The guys statistics that show that the person hit the ball about the same percentage of times but got more runs during his steroid season. That indicates a higher percentage of home runs, which is exactly what happened, not a reduction in strike outs on steroids. Read the last sentence I wrote carefully, you'll see I stated that if kids were doing kick flips up 30 I'd believe it. Again, skating has nothing to do with how hard you tap the tail of your board down to do an ollie, it's how you tap it and your co ordination.
  9. Yea, I've mentioned HGH, Human Growth hormone, there still isn't any drug proven to enhance coordination. Iv'e seen every good video to come out since Streets on Fire back in the day and it's just a progression of the sport. All the new shit reflects is street skating's progression and the fact that more kids do it now, so the chances of a freak of nature getting into it are higher. Imagine seeing the Zboys doing grinds and little airs in pools then fast forwarding to vert in the late 80's with people landing 900's. It's just progression, as soon as I see a white barry bonds looking ass kid kickflip up 30 I'll agree, but it isn't strength, it's all coordination and balls.
  10. No, Skateboarding requires physical conditioning of the nervous system, not bigger/stronger muscles or anything that HGH or steroids could actually help. As of right now, there are no proven ways to enhance the performance of the nervous system using drugs.
  11. You should have left it in Metalheads. Real jokes are 10x funnier than blowing up peoples spots.
  12. I agree that it looks really familiar, but I don't know if you could really say that's biting. Before the internet and biting becoming acceptable, I've seen artists who haven't seen each others work develop similar styles. It could go either way, but if you can't put your finger on who dude is biting you can't really say it's biting if you can't show who did what first. I'm not talking about breaking everything down to bits and pieces, we'd all be biters, I'm talking letterforms.
  13. Chelsea is the epitome of wackiness, 90% of those galleries will pull any stunt to cash in. I used to get mad, now I just pity those fools.
  14. Nice, the color on those teacups is awesome.
  15. That Large shit is boss, I've got a nice shot of some shit he did in Greenepoint Brooklyn. Look, I didn't have to quote that entire post on the same page again to say that. The internets works in mysterious ways.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcj5xZCHPAc
  17. Hahaha, I remember that dude. My boy Level ran into him once while they were both bombing during the day time.
  18. Mad typos in this bitch, it's the Old Enlish
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