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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. http://mercer2789.com/post/7067137702/when-the-last-few-sips-of-that-40-get-too-warm http://mercer2789.com/post/7067137702/when-the-last-few-sips-of-that-40-get-too-warm http://mercer2789.com/post/7067137702/when-the-last-few-sips-of-that-40-get-too-warm http://mercer2789.com/post/7067137702/when-the-last-few-sips-of-that-40-get-too-warm http://mercer2789.com/post/7067137702/when-the-last-few-sips-of-that-40-get-too-warm http://mercer2789.com/post/7067137702/when-the-last-few-sips-of-that-40-get-too-warm http://mercer2789.com/post/7067137702/when-the-last-few-sips-of-that-40-get-too-warm http://mercer2789.com/post/7067137702/when-the-last-few-sips-of-that-40-get-too-warm http://mercer2789.com/post/7067137702/when-the-last-few-sips-of-that-40-get-too-warm http://mercer2789.com/post/7067137702/when-the-last-few-sips-of-that-40-get-too-warm
  2. What I want to know is: a. how big is that fucking pool? b. where the fuck in the pool was she, floating around? c. did she shit when she died like they say all people do, and if so, did that float?
  3. If you paint a spot in NYC for more than 30 minutes people roll up, become fans instantly and hang out. Sometimes, like this time, you get lucky with who rolls up. More fan shots, peep the garbage ass skull above I never finished. I should have listened to Brickos and stuck to taking photo's, hahaha Strait rusty as fuck. Not sure if she's jailbait or not but can't hurt to take a picture. Seriously, cameras have vaginal magnetism. After that went to a awesome bar, no pics, but I resumed shooting after we left. This is my favorite kind of interactive street art right here. You can't tell from this but the skinny one on the right had the nicest little bubble cheeks. Over at the homies house, I only end up here when I'm hammered, somehow I managed not to puke this time. Nice rooftop view of the City. Triboro bridge. Walking home. The End.
  4. These were all from between around midnight Friday until Saturday this weekend. On my way to Dark Room (Dubstep). Jumps off in Greenpoint BK once a month if anyone is interested. In the green room backstage, getting my camera all set to shoot. Crowd is getting warmed up. Spinning straight filth. Crowd's pretty pumped at this point. LOL Smoking hot. Reppin' Darkroom on her back. You gotta love Greenpoint for real. Hello Beautiful Oh Hai Oontz'n 100% sure she didn't have to pay to get in. Headliner for the night, Noah D Wifey Material. Gig went pretty well, 5 DJ's total, fresh fucking sets. Saw this on the way to the train. So the next day I woke up and jbrshmonster rolled through, we blazed then I got a text. Block party and mad roll down gate painting in Astoria so we just walked over. Huge block party but I didn't flick much there were so many writers/artists there. These dudes killed their gate IMO, nobody was allowed to paint their name and it had to be a positive message. We didn't follow those rules though and I'm sure our shit is buffed already. The local crew from that block rolled up and wanted me to take their picture. There is seriously something about all females and cameras, it's like a magnet. I always said chain, get a camera, you'll pull more females that way. Some other stuff, didn't flick all the art though, Jbrsh might post some shots of more art.
  5. I heard it gets humid in Phoenix also. Good luck.
  6. This deserves to be on top of every page.
  7. This niggas dissapoint, we all better step up our lol game fellas.
  8. Glad impossibles have made a comeback, some super ill early 90's OG shit like nose bonks and one foots.
  9. Mercer


    They could design shoes woven out of loose urinal pubes, as long as they've got good videos kids will still buy them.
  10. There is a gif thread, those are so old.
  11. My Beats are funky My Rhymes are spunky Sometimes I say well mother fucker what's the recipe? Well I don't know I ask my Mama, She don't know, Go ask your papa,
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