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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. If you ever make it out this way you've got a tour guide@Kults, there's always something going on.
  2. A few things I was lucky enough to see while checking out this exhibit which was pretty well done IMO. Went twice, had so much fun Saturday night and was able to score free tickets to come back and bring my wife who couldn't make it Saturday. Actually took flicks on Sunday, the last day of the exhibit. Complete list of Artists ect. https://beyondthestreets.com/pages/artists Personal fave both art, and general personality wise almost as soon as I walked in. Incase you haven't met him yet Futura 2000 is the man. Dude lives by his own rules very well. Probably should have shot more of the freight stuff. This giant miniature of the Southern Pacific box car was pretty dope. For scale, not sure why this looks like a bad pano but you get the picture. 2019-09-28 18.34.42.mov Cool installation, lots of foreign currency on display. Out of all the stuff I hadn't seen before, this piece above got me really stoked the most. Not that I didn't come across a lot of cool shit I hadn't seen before, this is just so dope to me. Not even sure who the artist is. Now I realize why people were taking pictures of the little signs next to the art lol. Photo does no justice it was huge, I want to say 8 feet tall maybe. Beastie Boys exhibit was pretty dope, a lot of cool details I'm sure I overlooked some of them. Taki and early NYC gang era wall. Right across from Taki, the one and only true pioneer himself. West coast pioneer/original as well. They had the uni's, and the mini's... Took a quick oontz break. I've seen this artists work before online, doesn't do it justice. Cleon Peterson I think. Really dig the style, the use of color, and the confirmation bias I get as an Anarchist. At least that's the statement/message I walk away from it with. Government is violence. Artists that have hands on shit for kids to do at art shows earn automatic respect. IMO these are the most important, and most overlooked people at any art show. Couldn't resist a quick one liner. Lady Pink shot by Martha Cooper, Jesus Christ she was dope. That's all I got, hope you enjoyed.
  3. 2015, not a bad spot, great chicken but a bit gimmicky. I got a Teriyaki Chicken pineapple waffles. Chicken was dope, pineapple waffles were just standard waffles with a few chunks of pineapple sprinkled on them. Jib's ordered a Pecan waffle, same thing, just a pecan or two sprinkled on top. Homegirl we with I forgot was vegetarian, she was down to go and ordered the vegetarian chicken holy shit it was bad, very disrespectful to vegetarians lol, def not 40 side of things materiel.
  4. If anyone is in NYC tonight's the last night of this show. Attendance is mandatory IMO, very well done, super broad spectrum of familiar faces going back to King Cornbread, plus a bunch of new shit so hopefully you'll walk away with an appreciation for some new shit you've never seen before. Linked up with@jbrshmonster yesterday there, crew almost got line cut by a Karen that was covered in sweat at Nas's restaurant later in BK. Good times.
  5. Bet these would do really well on the U.S. civilian market.
  6. I have to admit that's the main thing I dislike about Greta. It's the same old tired ass rich hypocrite shit we se here with Hollywood stars that want to broadcast how virtuose they are to the masses. Climate action is nothing more than a trendy consumer good to them. Her lifestyle, regardless of going vegan etc. puts her directly in the top 1% of consumption on the planet, and thus the top 1% of carbon emission. Like some douche with 5 or more cars to choose from in the garage, but shows up in a Prius when he knows he'll be seen. I don't hate on kids giving a fuck, it's just what's the message behind it is nothing more than a virtue signaling flavor of consumerism. It's fake, not that I don't think she really feels superior to everyone else, but her believing it doesn't make it true. This is a sign pointing down the road towards eventual total government control, higher taxes, and more opportunity for corruption. Meanwhile, there are other kids are out here that actually deserve attention. They can't afford a solar yacht with a 4 million euro price tag to get headlines though. You won't see clips of them staring judgementally at world leaders in prime time because it's not a publicity stunt, or theater. I bet half us us have kids, or know freinds kids that care about environmentalism. even better when they're polite, non disrespectful when they address a room full of adults. Perfect example, there's a tweet-meme floating around today on about Autumn Peltier that I didn't make. IMO favorite child environmental activist, probably don't agree with everything because I'm a jaded old fart, but I can actually listen to her, without vomiting and maybe even learn something. When she speaks, she's 100% respectful, has complete control over her own emotional state, and uses some pretty good kid logic which is always awesome to see developing, as opposed to uncontrolled emotions. You can tell she actually wrote this speech herself, I can actually picture her researching stuff for a speech online, or reading a book. Confident none of her tears were spent crying about 1st world problems on a yacht. What I like is that this kid is actually fighting the government directly. She's looking for a specific solution (safe water supply), instead of blindly fighting for higher taxes and more government control. I'm guessing she's wiser than most of you when it comes to putting complete trust in the government. They should be promoting clips of her instead of putting 16 year old cry babies on heavy rotation.
  7. It was all worth it for blue shirt inappropriate venue for nipple irony: I've also meme'd a variant of that tweet in here before, this trump tweet is almost as iconic as the cofveve tweet. Starting to realize why my posts in here might be considered Very very disrespectful.
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